Oct 29, 2018

Hipster Barbie Parodies ‘That Girl’ You Probably Follow on Instagram

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Socality Barbie’s profile says it all:



If you spend any time on Instagram you know the aesthetic. If you don’t, take a quick browse through the #liveauthentic hashtag. It’s the life you wish you led.

The parody account was started by a wedding photographer based in Portalnd, Oregon; who for now, remains anonymous. The satirizing works so well because the photos themselves are meticulously crafted and staged. From the spot-on outfits and accessories, to the poses and of course the hashtags—the account is so entertaining because it’s so well done.

In an interview with Wired, the anonymous photographer opines:

People were all taking the same pictures in the same places and using the same captions. I couldn’t tell any of their pictures apart so I thought, ‘What better way to make my point than with a mass-produced doll?’


For more be sure to check out Socality Barbie on Instagram.

[via Wired]


























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