Jan 28, 2019

This Street Artist is Making People Look Twice at Things They Walk Past Each Day

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New York-based street artist Tom Bob has been transforming mundane walls and objects we pass every day in the streets into playful works of art.

Random sewer grates, utility boxes and bike stands have received colorful makeovers and show how a little creativity and imagination can transform almost anything. You can follow Tom Bob on Instagram at @tombobnyc where the artist has amassed nearly 30K followers.

[via Bored Panda, Ufunk]


@TomBobNYC on Instagram



Artwork by Tom Bob


Artwork by Tom Bob


Artwork by Tom Bob


Artwork by Tom Bob


Artwork by Tom Bob


Artwork by Tom Bob


Artwork by Tom Bob


Artwork by Tom Bob


Artwork by Tom Bob


Artwork by Tom Bob


Artwork by Tom Bob


Artwork by Tom Bob


Artwork by Tom Bob


Artwork by Tom Bob


Artwork by Tom Bob


Artwork by Tom Bob


Artwork by Tom Bob


Artwork by Tom Bob


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