Jan 29, 2019

An Abandoned School in Detroit – Now and Then

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Through photography, detroiturbex.com seeks to raise awareness of the social and economic challenges facing the city of Detroit. Over the course of 100 years the population level has rapidly expanded and contracted. In the 1950s the population was approximately 1.85 million, in 2010, it was 713,000.

The recent contraction means many of the buildings that were erected to support the rapid growth are now vacant and abandoned. The infrastructure was built to handle a population of 2 million. Only a third of that currently resides in Detroit.

In a fascinating series entitled Cass Tech – Now and Then, detroiturbex has created a 43-picture gallery of old photos and found the exact location of where they were taken and made a composite of the past and present.

While the original Cass Tech was left abandoned for some time, a new Cass Technical High School was built in 2004 in an adjacent lot to the north of the original building. According to Wikipedia, the original building was demolished in July of 2011.

For more urban exploration of Detroit, be sure to visit detroiturbex.com. You can also find them on Facebook

[via hellpony on Reddit]


1. Basketball game in 1988

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com



2. Library photos from early 90s yearbook

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com



3. Second Floor Hallway

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com



4. Classroom (couch is still there today)

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com



5. First floor of old auditorium

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com



6. Dance hall in the new wing

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com



7. Pep band makes their way through a crowd

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com



8. The former book store

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com



9. Hallway

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com



10. Librarians

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com



11. Old Classroom

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com



12. Last day of school

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com



13. Basketball game

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com



14. The arts mural on floor 3, 1988

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com



15. The yearbook room

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com



16. Old Volleyball game

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com



17. Library

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com



18. School dance

Composite Photograph by detroiturbex.com









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abandoned · art · blending · detroit · HISTORY · STORIES · united states · urban exploration

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