Jan 29, 2019

Exploding Light Bulbs Filled with Random Things

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Jon Smith is a photographer and scientist currently residing in Fishers, Indiana. Under the name of Wide Eyed Illuminations (WEI Photography), Jon focuses his creativity on high speed photos of exploding light bulbs filled with random objects and materials.

On his Flickr profile, Jon remarks:

“I choose to primarily work with light bulbs because they are an everyday item that most people ignore. By bringing them out of their element, filling them and shooting them, I can create an interesting focal point that sparks imagination and allows people to see the wonderful things that happen in a typically ‘unseen moment’.
There is a certain unpredictability with high speed photography that I’m drawn to. It allows you to capture the unseen, the transition between before and after. It shows the beauty in destruction. Sure, it starts out as a normal light bulb and ends as a pile of broken glass, but for just a split second, it’s something beautiful – and to capture that is wonderful.”


Below you will find a small selection of Jon’s fantastic high-speed photographs. For more, be sure to check out the entire 88-picture gallery on Flickr. You can also keep up with the latest from Jon on Facebook.

[via Flickr Blog]



Photograph by JON SMITH (Wide Eyed Illuminations)
Website | Flickr | Facebook




Photograph by JON SMITH (Wide Eyed Illuminations)
Website | Flickr | Facebook




Photograph by JON SMITH (Wide Eyed Illuminations)
Website | Flickr | Facebook




Photograph by JON SMITH (Wide Eyed Illuminations)
Website | Flickr | Facebook




Photograph by JON SMITH (Wide Eyed Illuminations)
Website | Flickr | Facebook




Photograph by JON SMITH (Wide Eyed Illuminations)
Website | Flickr | Facebook




Photograph by JON SMITH (Wide Eyed Illuminations)
Website | Flickr | Facebook








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Article Categories:
art · conceptual · high-speed · perfect timing · photo series

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