Jan 29, 2019

The 40 Most Detailed Close-Ups of Arthropods You Will See Today

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An arthropod is an invertebrate animal having an exoskeleton (external skeleton), a segmented body, and jointed appendages. Arthropods include all insects, arachnids, and crustaceans. Their body plan consists of repeated segments, each with a pair of appendages. Their versatility has enabled them to become one of the most species-rich members on the planet. [Source]

They have over a million described species, making up more than 80% of all described living animal species. They range in size from microscopic plankton up to forms a few meters long. [Source]

The USGS Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Program designs and develops large and small-scale surveys and identification tools for native bees. A vital aspect of the program is to create accurate and detailed pictures of native bees as well as the plants and insects they interact with.

On their 1200+ Flickr photostream, the USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab (USGS BIML) has uploaded an astounding collection of macro photographs that you can see in full resolution. The detail and clarify is unlike anything I’ve ever seen.

The Sifter went through all 1200 photos earlier today and compiled our 40 favourites. Be sure to check them out on Flickr to appreciate the volume of work they have shared for the benefit of all visitors.




1. Unknown Wasp

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



2. Yellow Jacket Mimic Fly

Photograph by USGS BIML/Tim McMahon



3. Female Northern Black Widow Spider
(Latrodectus variolus)

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



4. The Endangered Karner Blue
(Lycaeides melissa samuelis)

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



5. Melissodes dentiventris

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



6. Beetle on glass

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



7. Black Horse Fly
(Tabanus atratus)

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



8. Augochlora regina

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



9. Oblong-winged katydid
(Amblycorypha oblongifolia)

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



10. Megachile-campanulae

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



11. Lasioglossum nr longifrons

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



12. Lace Bug

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



13. Rove Beetle

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



14. Trypoxylon mexicanum

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



15. Centris haemorrhoidalis

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



16. Cone Head

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



17. Agapostemon coloradinus

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



18. Leptochilus acolhuus

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



19. Harlequin Bug Eggs
(Murgantia histrionica)

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



20. Polistes metricus

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



21. Spider Wasp

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



22. Gryllus species

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



23. Hoplitis truncata

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



24. Deer Fly

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



25. Drepanaporus collaris

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



26. Triepeolus donatus

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



27. Drepanaporus collaris

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



28. Sharpshooter
(Oncometopia orbona)

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



29. Trypoxylon mexicanum

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



30. Yellow Jacket Mimic Fly

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



31. Pearl Crescent
(Phyciodes tharos)



32. Camel Cricket
(Diestrammena asynamora)

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



33. Harlequin Bug Nymphs
(Murgantia histrionica)

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



34. Lachnopus guerinii

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



35. Bombus griseocollis

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



36. Coelioxys sayi

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



37. Unknown Spider

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



38. Brown marmorated stinkbug
(Halyomorpha halys)

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



39. Osmia sandersoneae

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege



40. Dianthidium curvatum

Photograph by USGS BIML/Sam Droege







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