Jan 29, 2019

These Foods Were Painted to Look Like Other Foods. Can You Guess the Original?

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Artwork by HIKARU CHO
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Artwork by HIKARU CHO
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Artwork by HIKARU CHO
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Hikaru Cho is a Japanese artist that is well-known for her incredible 3D body paintings (featured previously). In a short series entitled, It’s not what it seems, Cho applies acrylic paint directly onto various foods, making them look like an entirely different food altogether. You can see what the original items were below.

The emerging talent, who will turn 21 in a couple of weeks, has a bright future ahead of her. Be sure to check out Cho’s latest artworks on her Website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram profiles.

[via Colossal]


Artwork by HIKARU CHO
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Artwork by HIKARU CHO
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Artwork by HIKARU CHO
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram




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