The ancient Chinese treatment, Acupuncture is has been practicing over thousands of years as an alternative therapy to… by oldswanbarracks
When osteoarthritis makes your knee ache, day after day, you’re looking for relief. Acupuncture is one of the first lines of defense now recommended against chronic pain, especially in the knee.
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Coś dla Panów, ale nie tylko. W końcu organy rozrodcze ma każdy, a i z tym libido też bywa różnie 🤔. No i na pewno sprawne, nawilżone stawy przydadzą się o każdej porze. Prosta marma w znalezieniu,...
The cause for ganglion cysts from a western medical point of view is still unknown. Theorists have hypothesized that an injury or overuse lead to tissue breakdown in the local area and this debris…
Wiele chorób objawia się zmianami skórnymi i schorzenia jelit nie są tu wyjątkiem. Chociaż problemy skórne to przypadłość zgłaszana z reguły u dermatologa, to czasem podłoże zmian pojawiających się na ciele jest powiązane z konkretną chorobą. Dotyczy to również objawów skórnych świadczących o chorych jelitach. Mogą one pojawić się znacznie wcześniej niż dolegliwości ze strony układu pokarmowego. Jakie mogą być skórne oznaki chorób jelit?
Akupresura dokáže přírodním způsobem léčit mnohé nemoci, dokonce i v případě, kdy si s nimi neumí poradit ani klasická medicína. Na lidském těle se nachází velmi mnoho bodů, které jsou určeny k léčbě konkrétních onemocnění. Dnes vám řekneme o jednom velmi efektivním bodě. Jeho stimulace pomáhá při úlevě více fyzických, ale i psychických obtíží. Jedná
There are of course more emergency type schemes, like: --- Correspondence systems, needles/crystals/other tools applied right on the reflex zone for the trauma --- "local" systems all this is well-known for Su-jok specialists. One method is particularly interesting: if, for example, there's a deep cut, one can use plant seeds applied onto the reflex zone around the cut so that their magnetic fields are directed inside to push the edges to close: The cut is on outer side of left shin, seeds applied on the corresponding zone. Seed's magnetic field is very weak but the same level as human magnetic fields, giving sort of resonance and human tissues respond. The magn. field vector is usually directed from sharp to blunt edge of a seed, so to help wound close one orients them blunt edge inside (pic). This has much wider application, for example, for asthma to expand bronchi; to help drive away kidney/bladder stones; to help prolapsed uterus etc. Low energy laser treatment is of particular interest for emergency help for traumas, as laser beam has prominent "antiseptic" and cleansing properties; besides, green laser has significant pain-killer effect, and if applied to right points, can ease riding for injured rider similar to pain-killers. However, there's usual problem of right dosing for laser treatment, so one is to have clear understanding of rider's state and the situation.
Waking up to hip pain is not pretty, especially if it is a reoccurring experience. Chronic hip pain troubles many of us, so it is good to know that you are not alone. This means that someone out there may have the answer that you are looking for. Honestly, I am hoping that, for you, […]
AcuPro Academy is an online Chinese medicine & acupuncture resource for students and practitioners, offering books, and online courses
Try our Anti-Aging Gua Sha Tool designed to bring out your skin’s natural glow. Best Gua Sha Product Facial Gua Sha Tool For Beginner Purchase on Amazon Anti-Aging: The tool is designed to target 11 specific aging signs such as wrinkles and sagging skin. By following the 7-step routine, users can improve skin firmness and […]
AcuMeridianPoints Stomach Meridian Points & Locations BL 1 – JINGMING Bladder Meridian Acupuncture Point Bladder BL 2 – ZANZHU Bladder Meridian Acupuncture Point Bladder BL 3 – MEICHONG Bladder Meridian…
I was talking with Alan Gifford, our staff Practice Consultant, and he asked me if Acupuncture can help with Weight loss.
Are your ears the gateway to wellness? If you're a believer in the healing powers of ear seeds — teeny tiny beads placed on various parts of the ear
Cosmetic acupuncture is my favourite beauty treatment because it addresses both the mind and body. A typical treatment begins with body needles to relax the mind and improve balance within the physical body.
Mudry są pradawnymi gestami dłoni, oczu i całego ciała. Mogą poprawiać zdrowie fizyczne, a jednocześnie pozytywnie wpływać na sferę emocjonalną i duchową. W niniejszym artykule zaprezentujemy kilka potężnych, lecz prostych w wykonaniu mudr.
V článku najdete tipy na 7 mnou vyzkoušených akupresurních bodů na běžné problémy, které je jednoduché najít a opravdu fungují. Ke každému je vždy obrázek a popis.