Découvrez les oeuvres et informations de l'artiste Gambino Jean-François, sélectionné et exposé par In Arte Veritas. Plus d'informations ou intéressé par une de ses oeuvres, contactez-nous dès maintenant !
In the 1800s, the American pest, phylloxera, killed half of France’s vineyards and forever changed how wine is produced.
The two-part exhibition features the work of graduating artists across disciplines, including painting, sculpture, printmaking, and integrated practices.
Schon im Mittelalter war bekannt, dass Mönchspfeffer bei Menstruationsbeschwerden hilft. Die Forschergruppe Klostermedizin an der Uni Würzburg beschäftigt sich mit Rezepturen, die einst von Mönchen niedergeschrieben wurden und neu entdeckt werden.
Bronze sculpture with gold leaf, 15 feet Internationally acclaimed realist painter and sculptor Audrey Flack (born in 1931) was commissioned
Whether taken with Omnibus II Primary or on its own, come see what makes Veritas Press Omnibus II Secondary a great pick for your student.
sommeliers by clifford bailey
1. La Grande Opera Gesù disse: «Colui che cerca non desista dal cercare fino a quando non avrà trovato e quando troverà sarà commosso e si stupirà, e così commosso contemplerà e regnerà sul Tutto» Il Vangelo di Tommaso, verso 2 L’Alchimia rivela nel simbolo della Grande Opera, il processo con cui
Denis Forkas Kostromitin creates eccentric beauty with his pen, his blood, his salt and his canvases. His paintings and illustrations have a dark fury about them; they are foggy and dark, and swirl with movement that gives the viewer a sense that there is more happening in the canvas than sight alone can perceive. Indeed, his […]
READY TO ROW: We rowed Wee Gillis (New York Review Children’s Collection)Wee Gillis in March near St. Patrick’s Day and our 100th Day of School! BIBLE: Memory Verse: I chose to hav…
La Vodkatini : Appelé aussi Vodka Martini, c'est le cocktail préféré de James Bond !
今日は、明るい色彩と軽快な筆さばきによって「色彩の魔術師」と呼ばれたラウル・デュフィ(1877−1953)です。 デュフィは、エコール・デ・ボザール(国立美術学校)でアカデミズムの教育を受けていたのですが、マティスの影響によって絵の方向性がまったく変わ
Weaving the Dawn, the artist's New York debut, showcases several decades' worth of tapestries that challenge the boundaries of the art form.
Auctioneers and Appraisers, Auctions of Modern and Contemporary Art, Antiquities and Painting, Oriental Art, Silverware, Books and Manuscripts, Pens and Watches, Design
Reflected & Absorbed