A few weeks ago my daughter came to town (from Arizona) for a last minute weekend getaway. Her husband was out of town for a few days and she needed some adult interaction; it's nice having her
One of my favorite things to do in Los Angeles is stop by the Fashion District (more specifically, the fabric section of the fashion district) and go window shopping for prices that make me spend a…
A guide to where to go fabric shopping in Los Angeles. Includes the fabric district, The Fabric Store, Mood Fabrics, The Button Store and more!
Heading off to LA for Costume College, lots of people told me that one of the things I must do is go to the Garment/Fabric District. The only people who didn’t tell me this were my sewing students who had been to the Fabric District in the last couple of years. Every single student who has been in LA and gone has come back and reported that everything was either 1) polyester (blech) or 2) 3x the price it would be in NZ. Most of it looks like this: tons of stretch lycra, tons of minky – not so much my thing: It really didn’t seem worth the fuss. But pretty much half of the Costume College attendees go to the Fabric District in the days before and after the conference, and everyone there said I definitely should, and with local guides, at least I would see the best stuff! So, with Lauren of Wearing History, and Beth of V is for Vintage at the helm; Ginger of Scene in the Past, Jenny-Rose of Jenny …
You guys. If you haven't been to the LA Fabric District, you need to go to Southwest.com right now and book a flight to LA. My mom and ...
Like a kid in a candy store, I lost my presence of mind and took a trip to the fabric district in Paris, France with… by crystalize
I get asked a lot about L.A's fabric/fashion district. I think it feels daunting & overwhelming to go downtown, especially if you've never been before. So here's my little guide for all you locals who want a good place to...
You guys. If you haven’t been to the LA Fabric District, you need to go to Southwest.com right now and book a flight to LA. My mom and I explored the district a while back, and it was a-mazing. I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. There were over 200 stores that [...]
Last fall, my family and I relocated to a small rural town south of Phoenix, Arizona—a stark contrast to our previous urban lifestyle just minutes from downtown LA. One of the things I knew I would miss was the easy access to the Fabric District, where I could find endless bolts of deadstock fabrics. As...
You guys. If you haven’t been to the LA Fabric District, you need to go to Southwest.com right now and book a flight to LA. My mom and I explored the district a while back, and it was a-mazing. I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. There were over 200 stores that [...]
As I mentioned earlier last week, I had a chance to visit the fabric district in Hong Kong last month. Here are some photos and video of the place. The video was edited by Andy, which explains the captions.. I referred to the Traveller’s Yarn‘s blog post as a guide. As suggested in the post,...Read More
Find out how to navigate the 200+ stores with 8 tips to shop the LA Fabric District in Los Angeles California
The LA Fabric District is part of the larger, and largely unglamorous, LA Fashion District. Think bolts of fabrics being sold on the street, inexpensive clothes made in local factories, trim that was at the height of fashion six years ago. You have to hunt for what you need here – and that’s what makes […]
Liste de boutiques de tricot et mercerie à Rennes
One of my favorite things to do in Los Angeles is stop by the Fashion District (more specifically, the fabric section of the fashion district) and go window shopping for prices that make me spend a…
Image 42 of 43 from gallery of Xiangcheng District Planning Exhibition Hall / Lacime Architects. Sketch
A guide to where to go fabric shopping in Los Angeles. Includes the fabric district, The Fabric Store, Mood Fabrics, The Button Store and more!
I've lived in LA for about 10 years and while I haven't been to every store (there are too many!) I've done my fair share of hunting and I have a lot of favorites. Los Angeles is a big, spread out city with a lot of different neighborhoods so if you are visiting for a short time and have your heart
To pick up sewing notions for a little project I’m working on I trekked to the fabric district downtown. One large old store there, Michael Levine, serves as a de facto flagship for the entir…
yesterday my sister in law took me to the fabric district... because one can never have enough fabric :-) { but it can be a challenge fitting it in your luggage to get home! } my favorite shop { that i visit on every trip to la now! } rows and rows of yummyness including lots of colors of kona solids lots and lots... i got some kona chartreuse to go with remix charm packs for karrielyne's charm pack quilt a long i also snagged some echino since they had a nice big assortment { the biggest i've seen in an actual shop } obviously not quilting fabrics... but they were shiny & pretty so i snapped a pic a yummy wall of zippers in one shop... i spotted some castle peeps... and added a bit more to my stash so i can finish my project for castle peeps summer camp but the find of the day... four bolts of neptune! { yes i bought it all.. everything they had in all 4 colors } { no plans to swap or sell at this time... if that changes i'll let you know! } off to the airport for me... { pray they let me on with all my luggage!! }
This beautiful antique tool was designed in the 19th century for hand sewing. Clamped to the edge of a table, it acted as a "3rd hand" keeping the fabric taut as one sewed. By pressing the top and bottom tail together it opens the beak, which allows the sewer to place the fabric in the beak holding it securely while st
The fashion and fabric district in downtown Los Angeles is worth the visit - you'll find fabric and textiles you will not find elsewhere.
Today was my first ever trip to the LA Fabric District. All within walking distance are are LA Flower Mart, and the LA Fashion District. The fabric district was SO AMAZING! IT was shop after shop of endless amazing yarn stacks and stack of fabric It was like a fabric land... I went into one shop that had just a mess of random things. Buttons, sequins, crocheted fabric pieces... Like a huge thrift store of nice finds. And finally, beads. These are all seed beads... but this store was really huge and had everything. I bought some needles here for threading the tiniest of seed beads. The best part about it? It is relatively cheap. Of course the fabric I wanted wasn't the highest bargain, but the print was amazing! Projects to come!
La firma de Rotterdam MVRDV ha resultado ganadora del concurso para diseñar un complejo residencial y comercial en el...
On the last day of the Mimi G Sewing Conference, the entire group hit up LA’s Fashion District to fabric shop. Every city I’ve visited – New York, London, Paris, Atlanta, Miami, etc – does their fabri
My friend Daisy and I went to the LA Garment District http://www.fashiondistrict.org/ for fabric shopping yesterday. As I expected, it was ...
Nicki and Carolyn taking a trip through some of the stores in downtown LA's Fabric District. If ever you get a chance to go....GO! It is a Crazy Quilters dream! Beads, beads and more beads!!!!! Wall to wall - floor to ceiling! Satins, silks, wedding fabrics in every color and design - just beautiful! Absolutely gorgeous silk dupioni in every color and tons of beautiful Asian brocades! This by far was our favorite store - Silk City. For a kiss on the cheek you can even barter with the owners for a better price ! Me in one of the many fabric stores..... you can walk on buy ...there's another one just feet away. Not a great shot but this is just one of maybe 20 aisle of sequin appliques - it was a warehouse full! The owner showed me boxes and boxes of beautiful items from the 30's, 40' & 50's that they used on costumes - just beautiful! Laces, trims & ribbons by the tons - floor to ceiling! (Berger Beads) Carolyn being shy............. NOT! LOL! Last month while out in California I went on a wild Crazy Quilt Treasure Hunt with my friend Carolyn ( Sunshine Designs ) from the HGTV Board. I have always wanted to spend a couple days wandering around the LA Fabric District and I have to tell you - a couple days just wasn't enough! We had a ball and only hit about 15-20 of the shops out of 100's! OMG! I think we could have probably have spent a week there if we had more money! Prior to me flying out to CA I had sign ups for the girls on the HGTV Board for a Buy In. We had a total of 65 ladies who all wanted in on the goodies. It was fun spending someone elses money but I had to control myself as I could have spent thousands of dollars more - the place was like walking into a CQers Candyland! Thanks Carolyn for holding me back! On the first day our first stop was at a well known bead store called Berger Beads - we spent at least 3 hours in that store alone going through beads, lace, trims and charms. I bought so much the first day I had to have it shipped home. Funny how when you are buying that many beads all at once it looks like a ton but when you get it home and divide it up into 65 piles it almost looks like nothing....guess we'll just have to go back again with more $ LOL! We went back to Michael Levines both days. Not a store that you can bargin with but the fabrics for quilting are to die for - just gorgeous and at $5-$8.50 a yard- all high end quality. The laces, ribbons and trims were plentiful but bit high in $ but so well worth checking out. My son gave me some fun money to spend on myself so you can be sure I bought a few pieces that I normally would not have. Thank you Jason. By the time I had everything packed and ready to ship home I was lugging 4 boxes to UPS. They sure made some $ on me that day but 5 days later they all arrived at my home in MA just waiting for me to cut & divide. All the CQ packages are just about home to their new owners now with hopes that every one is happy with what was picked out. I can't wait to get started making some new blocks with my goodies and dying up some of the laces - you can be sure that the next time I say "California here I come" it'll be another trip to the Fabric District. Carolyn... get your walking show ready!
Get to know this sprawling city with Christine Haynes.