After my last visit to the Pastel exhibition, I felt very pensive about Redón's works. I knew that the pastels of this surrealist painter had power of color
Odilon Redon, (1840-1916) French Symbolist painter, lithographer, and etcher of considerable poetic sensitivity and imagination, whose work developed along two divergent lines. His prints explore haunted, fantastic, often macabre themes and foreshadowed the Surrealist and Dadaist movements. His oils and pastels, chiefly still lifes with flowers, won him the admiration of Henri Matisse and other painters as an important colourist.
If you can manage to attend a new exhibit the day it opens, you're always ahead of the game. I raced to the new Odilon Redon expo at the...
Pintor de la imaginación y del subconsciente en plena hegemonía del naturalismo, contemporáneo de los impresionistas, con los que expuso en 1886, pero con los que no compartió la misma estética, Od…
Odilon Redon, (1840-1916) French Symbolist painter, lithographer, and etcher of considerable poetic sensitivity and imagination, whose work developed along two divergent lines. His prints explore haunted, fantastic, often macabre themes and foreshadowed the Surrealist and Dadaist movements. His oils and pastels, chiefly still lifes with flowers, won him the admiration of Henri Matisse and other painters as an important colourist.
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I’ve become fascinated by the paintings of Redon (1840-1916), a French artist and Symbolist working mostly in charcoal, pastel, and oil. I included one of his paintings in my last post called “La B…
Odilon Redon, 1840 - 1916 LE CHRIST ET SES DISCIPLES/ CHRIST AND HIS DISCIPLES c, 1905 Oil on canvas 12 3/4 by 9 5/8 in., 32.5 by 24.5 cm Private collection Since much of Western religious art is traditionally rooted in scripture, Redon is unusual in this respect. The present work draws on the theme of discipleship and the divine nature of Christ rather than a specific episode of the New Testament. Though he was not an orthodox Christian, Redon mixed in Catholic circles and was clearly attracted to the figure of Christ who features frequently at this time. More on this painting The twelve disciples, also known as the twelve apostles, were Jesus's closest followers. Disciple is a Biblical term meaning learner or pupil. They were men who travelled with Jesus and learned from him. The twelve and Jesus ate together at the Last Supper on the night before Jesus was executed. After Jesus's death, they separated and began to spread his teachings. Disciple was also used to refer to other followers of Jesus - but the 12 apostles were Jesus's closest companions before his crucifixion. There is some disagreement among Biblical scholars as to who exactly should be counted as an apostle. Paul of Tarsus called himself an apostle. He was active in the early Christian church but did not meet Jesus while he was alive - but Paul argued that he received revelation from the risen Jesus directly. Mary Magdalene, a female follower of Jesus, is often referred to as a disciple. She is also sometimes called the apostles' apostle. This article uses the names listed in the Gospel of Matthew, of the 12 main followers of Jesus during his lifetime. More on The twelve disciples Bertrand-Jean Redon better known as Odilon Redon (April 20, 1840 - July 6, 1916) was a Symbolist painter and printmaker, born in Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France. Odilon was a nickname derived from his mother, Odile. Redon started drawing as a young child, and at the age of 10 he was awarded a drawing prize at school. At age 15, he began formal study in drawing but on the insistence of his father he switched to architecture. His failure to pass the entrance exams at Paris' Ecole des Beaux-Arts ended any plans for a career as an architect, although he would later study there under Jean-Leon Gerome. He took up sculpture, and Rodolphe Bresdin instructed him in etching and lithography. His artistic career was interrupted in 1870 when he joined the army to serve in the Franco-Prussian War. At the end of the war, he moved to Paris, working almost exclusively in charcoal and lithography. It would not be until 1878 that his work gained any recognition with Guardian Spirit of the Waters, and he published his first album of lithographs. In the 1890s, he began to use pastel and oils, which dominated his works for the rest of his life. In 1899, he exhibited with the Nabis at Durand-Ruel's. In 1903 he was awarded the Legion of Honor. His popularity increased when a catalogue of etchings and lithographs was published by Andre Mellerio in 1913 and that same year, he was given the largest single representation at the New York Armory Show. More on Bertrand-Jean Redon Please visit my other blogs: Art Collector, Mythology, Marine Art, Portrait of a Lady, The Orientalist, Art of the Nude and The Canals of Venice, Middle East Artists, and visit my Boards on Pinterest Images are copyright of their respective owners, assignees or others. Some Images may be subject to copyright I don't own any of these images - credit is always given when due unless it is unknown to me. if I post your images without your permission, please tell me. I do not sell art, art prints, framed posters or reproductions. Ads are shown only to compensate the hosting expenses. If you enjoyed this post, please share with friends and family. Thank you for visiting my blog and also for liking its posts and pages. Please note that the content of this post primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online.
Odilon Redon was born in 1840, the same year as Monet and Rodin. Though he was a contemporary of the Realists and Impressionists, Redon took a very different path, both in becoming an artist and wh…
Retrouvez les plus belles photos des œuvres d’art exposées dans les musées de France. Peinture, sculpture, dessin...
Madness, 1883 by Odilon Redon (1840-1916)
Esta descarga presenta 74 imágenes de alta resolución, en formato jpeg, del artista Odilon Redon. Las imágenes tienen una resolución de 300 o 600 ppp y su tamaño varía desde 2462 píxeles de ancho/alto hasta 9080 píxeles de ancho/alto. Las imágenes no tienen derechos de autor y son de dominio público, por lo que puedes usarlas como quieras, incluido el uso comercial. Odilon Redon (1840-1916) Fue un artista francés visionario cuyo trabajo a menudo se asocia con el simbolismo y la abstracción temprana. Nacido como Bertrand Redon en 1840 en Burdeos, Francia, la vida temprana de Redon se vio empañada por la enfermedad, lo que lo llevó a pasar gran parte de su infancia en aislamiento. Este período de soledad e introspección influyó enormemente en su sensibilidad artística, inculcándole una profunda conexión con la imaginación y el subconsciente. El recorrido artístico de Redon comenzó con una formación en arquitectura y escultura, pero pronto se dedicó al dibujo y la pintura bajo la tutela de Jean-Léon Gérôme. Sus primeras obras fueron principalmente dibujos al carboncillo y litografías, conocidas como "noirs", que representaban escenas fantásticas y a menudo inquietantes. Estas piezas monocromáticas, como ' El ojo como un globo extraño asciende hacia el infinito ' (1882), exploraron temas de sueños, pesadillas y lo desconocido, reflejando el interés de Redon en los aspectos más oscuros de la psique humana. A medida que avanzaba su carrera, Redon comenzó a incorporar colores vibrantes a su trabajo, creando un sorprendente contraste con sus anteriores composiciones en blanco y negro. Su uso de pasteles y óleos dio vida a visiones de otro mundo llenas de criaturas míticas, paisajes etéreos y símbolos enigmáticos. Obras como ' El cíclope ' (1914) y ' Ofelia ' (1905) ejemplifican su capacidad única para mezclar lo real y lo imaginario, evocando una sensación de misterio y asombro. La fascinación de Redon por la literatura y la filosofía también influyó en su arte. Se inspiró en las obras de Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Baudelaire y Stéphane Mallarmé, entre otros. Este compromiso intelectual es evidente en el rico simbolismo y la naturaleza alegórica de sus pinturas y dibujos. A pesar de su estilo vanguardista, Redon alcanzó un reconocimiento considerable durante su vida. Expuso con el grupo Nabis y fue muy apreciado por sus contemporáneos, entre ellos Henri Matisse y Paul Gauguin. Redon murió en 1916 a la edad de 76 años.
Learn More About Odilon Redon's Life ✔ Take a Look at His Unique Artistic Style ✔ Explore Famous Examples of His Work ✔
Odilon Redon (1840 Bordeaux - 1916 Paris) was a French Symbolist painter, lithographer, and etcher of considerable poetic sensitivity and imagination, whose work developed along two divergent lines. His prints explore haunted, fantastic, often macabre themes and foreshadowed the Surrealist and Dadaist movements. His oils and pastels, chiefly still lifes with flowers, won him the admiration of Henri Matisse and other painters as an important colourist. Redon studied under Jean-Léon Gérôme; and mastered engraving from Rodolphe Vresdin, who exerted an important influence; and learned lithography under Henri Fantin-Latour. His aesthetic was one of imagination rather than visual perception. His imagination found an intellectual catalyst in his close friend, the Symbolist poet Stéphane Mallarmé. Redon was also associated with the group of Symbolist painters. Redon produced nearly 200 prints, beginning in 1879 with the lithographs collectively titled In the Dream. He completed another series (1882) dedicated to Edgar Allan Poe, whose poems had been translated into French with great success by Mallarmé and Charles Baudelaire. Rather than illustrating Poe, Redon’s lithographs are poems in visual terms, themselves evoking the poet’s world of private torment. There is an evident link to Goya in Redon’s imagery of winged demons and menacing shapes, and one of his series was the Homage to Goya (1885). About the time of the print series The Apocalypse of St. John (1889), Redon began devoting himself to painting and colour drawing—sensitive floral studies, and heads that appear to be dreaming or lost in reverie. He developed a unique palette of powdery and pungent hues. Though there is a relationship between his work and that of the Impressionist painters, he opposed both Impressionism and Realism as wholly perceptual. This is part 9 of 13 on the works of Odilon Redon: c1900 The Black Sun oil with incising on board 32.4 x 23.8 cm MoMA, New York c1900 The Fates oil on paper mounted on panel 33.1 x 25.5 cm Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, Netherlands c1900 The red boat oil on wood panel 32 x 40.5 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) c1900 The Siren oil and gold powder on fibreboard 27 x 22 cm Kunstmuseum Basel c1900 Underwater vision pastel on grey paper 65.8 x 54 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) 1901 Daisies and mountain ash berries oil, tempera, charcoal and pastel on canvas 122.5 x 152.3 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) 1901 Daisies oil, tempera, charcoal and pastel on canvas 123 x 149.5 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) 1901 Figure, yellow flower oil, tempera, charcoal and pastel on canvas 243.8 x 58.3 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) 1901 Figure oil, tempera, charcoal and pastel on canvas 244.5 x 58.5 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) 1901 Large panel with plant decoration oil, tempera, charcoal and pastel on canvas 244 x 103.7 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) 1901 Large panel with plant decoration oil, tempera, charcoal and pastel on canvas 250.7 x 89.4 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) 1901 Madame Arthur Fontaine (Marie Escudier, born 1865) pastel on paper 72.4 x 75.2 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 1901 Small Grey Panel oil, tempera, charcoal and pastel on canvas 41.5 x 55.3 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) 1901 Small Grey Panel oil, tempera, charcoal and pastel on canvas 43 x 55.5 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) 1901 The yellow flowering branch oil, tempera, charcoal and pastel on canvas 247.5 x 163.5 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) 1901 Tree on a yellow background oil, tempera, charcoal and pastel on canvas 249.5 x 185.5 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) 1901 Trees on a yellow background oil, tempera, charcoal and pastel on canvas 247.5 x 173 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) 1901 Vase of Flowers oil on canvas 65.4 x 54 cm Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, CA 1902-03 Anemones and Tulips pastel on tan paper 54.8 x 46.4 cm Brooklyn Museum, New York c1902 The Window pastel and charcoal on coloured paper 52.7 x 37.1 cm MoMA, New York 1903 Portrait of Mademoiselle Jeanne Chaîne pastel on paper 79.5 x 69 cm Kunstmuseum Basel 1903-05 Paul Gauguin oil on canvas 65 x 54 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) c1903-10 Orpheus pastel 68.8 x 56.8 cm c1903 Flower Clouds pastel, with touches of stumping, incising, and brushwork, on blue-grey wove paper 44.5 x 54.2 cm Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1904 Bather etching and drypoint in red-brown on cream Japanese wove paper 13.4 x 6.3 cm (image) 1904 Bather etching and drypoint on ivory wove paper 13.3 x 6.3 cm (image) 1904 Buddha glue paint on canvas 159 x 121.1 cm Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam 1904 Eve oil on canvas 61 x 47 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) 1904 Stained glass Temple charcoal, pastel and stump on cardboard 87 x 68 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) 1904 Vase with flowers (and a sketch of a face) ink, chalk and watercolour on paper 30.6 x 23 cm Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, Netherlands 1904-10 Andromeda oil on panel 56 x 54 cm Art Institute of Chicago, IL c1904 The Death of Orpheus oil on panel 29.2 x 75.6 cm Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum Photo © President and Fellows of Harvard College 1905 Portrait of A.M.L. Bonger-van der Linden oil on canvas 72.5 x x 59.5 cm Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 1905 Still Life with Flowers oil on canvas 92.7 x 65.5 cm Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1905 The Red Tree glue paint on canvas 173 x 87.5 cm Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam 1905 Vase of Flowers oil on fabric 73 x 59 cm c1905-08 Ophelia among the Flowers pastel on paper 64 x 91 cm The National Gallery, London c1905-10 Jacob Wrestling with the Angel oil on canvas 143.5 x 62.2 cm Brooklyn Museum, New York 1905-16 The Chariot of Apollo oil on canvas 66 x 81.3 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York c1905 Apparition oil on wood panel with wood cradle at top and bottom 67 x 40 cm MoMA, New York c1905 Initiation to Study - Two Young Ladies oil on canvas 93.9 x 74.6 cm Dallas Museum of Art, TX c1905 Orpheus pastel on grey laid paper laid on canvas 59.5 x 46.8 cm Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, CA c1905 Pansies pastel on brown paper 55.7 x 47.1 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC c1905 Portrait of Madame Odilon Redon pastel and sanguine on beige paper 55 x 44.5 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) c1905 The Buddha pastel 90 x 73 cm RMN-Grand Palais (Orsay Museum) c1905 The Yellow Sail pastel on paper 58.2 x 46.9 cm Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indiana 1900-08 Profile portraits: 1900 Edouard Vuillard lithograph in black on heavy ivory wove paper 19.5 x 16.3 cm (image) 1902 Pierre Bonnard lithograph 14.6 x 12.3 cm (image) 1902 Pierre Bonnard lithograph in black on heavy rosy-cream wove paper 14.5 x 12.3 cm (image) 1903 Maurice Denis lithograph in black on light grey China paper 15.3 x 13.5 cm (image) 1903 Paul Sérusier lithograph in black on light grey China paper 16 x 13.5 cm (image) 1903 Ricardo Viñes lithograph in black on heavy cream wove paper 13.5 x 11.4 cm (image) 1904 Juliette Dodu lithograph in black on light grey China paper 14.6 x 9 cm (image) 1904 Roger Marx lithograph in black on light grey China paper 25 x 14.5 cm (image) 1908 Miguel Llobet (Classical guitarist) lithograph in black on light grey China paper 9.5 x 9.5 cm (image)
Odilon Redon - Erscheinung 1905 Print Poster Poster in Museumsqualität auf dickem, mattem Papier. Setze einen wunderbaren Akzent in deinem Zimmer und Büro mit diesem Poster. • Papierstärke: 10,3 mil • Papiergewicht: 189 g/m² • Deckkraft: 94% • ISO-Helligkeit: 104% • Papier wird aus Japan bezogen
Ophelia detail, 1903, Private Collection Odilon Redon For more Odilon Redon see archive: HERE
“Mystical Conversation, 1896 #odilonredon #symbolism”
I’ve become fascinated by the paintings of Redon (1840-1916), a French artist and Symbolist working mostly in charcoal, pastel, and oil. I included one of his paintings in my last post called “La B…
thunderstruck9: Odilon Redon (French, 1840-1916), L’Arbre [The Tree], before 1883-84. Oil on paper laid down on cardboard, 31.9 x 25.3 cm. via ymutate
Everywhere Eyeballs Are Ablaze is an original lithograph on Chine collé, realized by Odilon Redon in 1888, plate 7 “Les tentations de St.Antoine”(1ère série), unique state, 1st edition printed in 58 copies, titled: Partout des prunelles flamboient. In very good conditions. Included a walnut frame. Odilon Redon (born Bertrand Redon (1840 -1916) was a French symbolist painter printmaker. He is best known for the ''dreamlike'' paintings created in the first decade of the 20th century, which were inspired by japonese art and which, while continuing to take inspiration from nature, flirted with abstraction. His work is considered a precursor to both Dadaism and Surrealism. Redon described his work as ambiguous and undefinable: My drawings inspire, and are not to be defined. They place us, as does music, in the ambiguous realm of the undetermined. This artwork is shipped from Italy. Under existing legislation, any artwork in Italy created over 70 years ago by an artist who has died requires a licence for export regardless of the work’s market price. The shipping may require additional handling days to require the licence according to the final destination of the artwork. This piece has an attribution mark, I am sure that it is completely authentic and take full responsibility for any authenticity issues arising from misattribution See less
“Not only are we the products of multiple entangled ancestors, spanning vast ranges of the evolutionary field; we are not even individuals at all. Rather, we are walking assemblages: riotous commu…