Explore the eight pagan sabbats that make up the Wheel of the Year, celebrating nature's seasonal shifts.
Lughnasadh, is the Day of the first Harvest, a day of tremendous power, one of the 4 sabbats. How can we use the power of this day?
The best pagan Youtubers with informative, awesome content. They give you spells, tips, tricks, correspondences, and more.
Nemcsak nagyon okosak, érdekesek és vonzóak, de nagyszerű barátok, partnerek is.
In magical Ethics, there is a principle called the Law of Threefold Return. This belief states that whatever you send out is returned to you threefold. Actually, this is just a fancy way of saying that your actions have consequences , and will always return to you in the end – for good or for […]
A grimoire is a book containing stories and ideas about magic. They're ancient books seducing us with their mysterious knowledge.
Open your roads Dare to cleanse your aura, don’t let life fill you with obstacles. Change the course of your luck with egg cleansing and open your paths quickly. This magical procedure is the…
Advertising was designed, at least back in the 1930s, during the height of the Great Depression, to salve (not solve) all earthly problems with the sweet lotion of dreams. Even Brillo, the household lubricated cleansing pad, sought to transform the daily drudge into a brilliant (i.e. Brillo) world where cleaning was better, easier and faster. Since it was the Depression, it didn’t matter how many pots and pans were made to look new, more important was how to pay for the pots
Lesson 5: Runes & Bindrunes Bindrunes Like the sigils these are a piece of cake compared to the seals! Th...
Working with the four elements in Tarot reading. How to use earth, wind, fire and air to make Tarot reading easier than ever before.
Discover five must-have resources that seamlessly integrate witchcraft into your everyday routine. From planners to spell almanacs, these tools are perfect for novice practitioners seeking to enhance their spiritual journey.