Learn about fancy chickens. Know which chickens are rare or considered exotic.
What is the best chicken breed? That depends on your goals and your space. Continue reading for the 20 most popular chicken breeds.
Learn about the best & most popular 18 chicken breeds for your backyard flock, including informationon on temperament, eggs, and more!
The ultimate Chicken Egg Identification Chart! Compare egg sizes, colors, and characteristics from various chicken breeds to easily identify and differentiate eggs.
🐓 Various chicken breeds worldwide boast unique traits, and some command staggering prices, as revealed in Beautiful Life magazine's 'List of Most...
Answers to the top questions about raising backyard chickens for eggs, including how much they cost, what you need in your chicken coop, and the best breeds.
Vorwerk chickens: Stunning beauty meets friendly personality and dual-purpose ability. Learn how to breed and care for such rare feathered flocks.
Barred rock chickens are friendly, easy to raise, excellent egg layers, and incredibly healthy on average. They're one of the best chicken breeds for beginners since they're not prone to health issues, and they'll lay
Kids are as curious as they can be. They love being around pets! Pets are not limited to those inside ... Read more
Check out the 5 Quietest Chicken Breeds. They are hardy, good layers! Australorp is considered the quietest, started in Australia. Read how other breeds are!
Although many homesteaders keep a few hens for eggs, the next stage for most homesteaders is to start thinking about rearing chickens for meat. Choosing the right breed of meat chicken is vital to the
If you’re a poultry fan curious about the world’s cutest chicken breeds, you’ve come to the perfect spot. Discover, read, ... Read more
Are you in need of some quiet chickens? Well, we have you covered. Today, we will be showing you 9 ... Read more
Keep your chickens warm in the winter! Step-by-step guide includes breed selection, (winter) egg-laying, winterizing coop, heaters, health, feed & waterer. Download FREE Ultimate Guide to Chickens in the Winter eBook!
Want to know the cutest chicken breeds you can add to your flock? Check out this list of the 10 most adorable chook breeds.
Choosing the best egg-laying chicken breed for your backyard coop can be daunting. With so many chicken varieties available, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. But don't worry! Our best-laying chicken guide will help you navigate
The best chicken breeds for confinement are: 1. Delaware 2. Brahma 3. Silkie 4. Buff Orpington 5. Wyandotte 6. ISA Brown 7. Easter Egger, etc
I raise the d'Uccle breed of bantam chickens. We currently only have Mille Fleur colored d'Uccles. THese little birds are full of personality and once you meet them, you just have to start raising them yourself!
Check 15 Best Chicken Breeds for Beginners! Breeds that are great for backyard flocks. Get whether you're looking for prolific layers or friendly pets.
Whether you’d rather raise chickens for eggs, meat, or as pets, the Wyandotte chicken is an excellent choice. Not only does this illustrious bird lay up to 200 eggs each year, but it also produces a respectable carcass for the dinner table, weighing in, on average, at 7 lbs. This bird is a real stunner...
If you’re looking for the most beautiful chicken breeds, then look no further. These breeds have some of the most beautiful colors around.
If you’ve been reading blog posts about “the best chickens for hot climates,” here’s my advice: Forget everything you’ve read. Most of the breeds people are recommending for hot climates are, simply put, very bad options. In this post, you’ll learn: Why most chickens aren’t great for hot
The cutest chicken breeds include Silkie, Pekin, Sebright, Orpington, Belgian d'Uccle, Frizzle, Speckled Sussex, Brahma, Polish & Phoenix
If you have found yourself thinking about bringing meat birds onto your homestead, consider choosing one of the heritage meat chicken breeds.
Looking to raise some backyard chickens for eggs? These are some of the best egg-laying chicken breeds for your backyard flock.
Broadly speaking, chickens that lay colored eggs offer an interesting twist to traditional egg farming. Unlike ordinary layers, these birds provide eggs in
The world's most popular fluffy chicken breeds listed and described in one article.
Bantam Chicken Breeds are perfect for small spaces, and they're some of the best options for a small suburban backyard coop. This article is written by Rea Yoh, a freelance writer who grew up in
Do you want to raise one of the cutest chicken breeds? Or Which chicken breed is the cutest? Do you want to keep cute chicken breeds as pets?
Best Chicken Breeds for Predators: 1. Jungle Fowl 2. Leghorn 3. Lakenvelder 4. Egyptian Fayoumi 5. Hamburg 6. Black Chicken Breeds...
Seeking the perfect poultry? Check out this ultimate guide to chicken breeds, how they differ, what they're best at, and how to find the perfect poultry pal for your backyard coop.
Hello, To all those new backyard chicken people who have joined this site for chickens. Some of you don't have any yet though and you are probably wondering, "Hm, what is the BEST chicken breed out there?" well I've got some answers, I have the...
In the fascinating world of livestock, two distinct types of breeds have captured the attention of farmers and enthusiasts alike: heritage breeds and hybrid breeds. These breeds play a crucial role in shaping our agricultural landscapes and food production systems. In this blog post, we'll explore the characteristics and differences between these two intriguing categories.
When breeding chickens most of the work is done by the rooster. There are certain things you can do to make sure the process goes smoothly.