If you've ever been to our gallery in New Orleans, you know that it's filled with amazing collections...something for everyone, really. Of all the wonderful things on display there is one collection that rarely fails to garner interest. Walking Sticks! Soothsayer's Cane When people walk through the gallery, a good majority are always surprised by our extensive walking stick collection, and I always take pleasure in talking with them about the many different types of canes. Of course weapons canes and systems (or gadget) canes are the big crowd pleasers with all of their 'secrets' and functions. Then there are the pieces with provenance, owned by a president or a royal, for instance. And among the most luxurious, of course, are the walking sticks by Fabergé and Tiffany... with their remarkable artistry and craftsmanship, these are always showstoppers. But I think what really amazes people is finding out that, yes, there are actually thousands of avid cane collectors out there. Few people understand the passion for collecting as well as the cane collector. The beauty of collecting walking sticks is that anyone can do it. They are available at all price points and there are so many areas to concentrate on. Perhaps you love games...there are dozens of gaming canes. Weapon canes may be more your style, or Fabergé canes may be right for you. Whatever you prefer, I find that after a brief introduction to the world of walking sticks, anyone can become an enthusiast! Fabergé Cane We have a great article on the history of canes in our online Resource Library. I hope you'll take a few minutes to read it. As always, if you are interested in starting a collection or adding to your existing collection, we are here to help. Click here to view our current selection of rare antique canes.