These scripts will give students the opportunity to confidently practise language in a safe and structured setting where they can enjoy playing roles and bringing the story to life. ... they'll be having so much fun that they won't even realise that they are learning -David Farmer, NILE training consultant, theatre director, and authorDedicated careerwoman, Lola, thrills her family when she brings home a boyfriend. But when they meet him, they realize something is wrong with Mr. Right. This engaging and suspenseful drama will get students talking about the difference between dreams and reality, as well as . They'll be practicing venting, as well as responding to venting. And, this play was written for English students to improve their communication and speaking skills. As they read, practice, and perform these plays, they will learn: communication in cultural contexts conversational moves, such as changing the subject, expressing doubt, seeking clarification, and persuading use of