Image gallery for: Ansley emerson on instagram ✦ our five bodies ✦ this illustration was inspired by @findjoy_app quick note this print is available in my online shop the link is in my bio free shipping worldwide in ancient yogic philosophy the koshas are understood as the five “layers” of our being they serve as a map that navigates our inner journey from our physical body to the core of the self the layers go inward which i represented with the colors of the lotus flower petals although these five bodies are encased one by the next they are not separate they are all interconnected and dependent on one another so what happens on one level affects all layers of the body ✦ physical body annamaya kosha the first kosha is often referred to as the “gross” body the tangible parts of ourself that we can mostly see touch and feel it is our first layer of skin muscle tissue bones and organs ✦ energy body pranamaya kosha the energetic body is composed of prana which is our subtle life force energy this is also known as chi in traditional chinese medicine physiologically it consists of our circulatory and respiratory systems this layer supports and directs the physical body so its level of balance greatly affects the first kosha ✦ emotional body manomaya kosha this kosha corresponds to our nervous system mind and emotions it is expressed as feelings streams of thought and sensations this layer allows us to receive and process input from the world controlling our automatic responses and reflexes our awareness is focused here when we passively move through life and react to our environment ✦ wisdom body vijnanamaya kosha the wisdom body consists of the reflective aspects of our consciousness when we experience deeper insight into ourselves and the world beyond automatic processes ✦ bliss body anandamaya kosha the bliss body is the most subtle layer between our ordinary awareness and our higher self it is recognized as deep inner peace and joy integration and wholeness where unconditional love and communion with life arises

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