If there’s a leadership race any time soon, there is one candidate the Tory faithful keep talking about. Charlotte Edwardes speaks to Westminster insiders about the most powerful woman in politics
If there’s a leadership race any time soon, there is one candidate the Tory faithful keep talking about. Charlotte Edwardes speaks to Westminster insiders about the most powerful woman in politics
Since Queen Elizabeth ascended the throne, she's forged a partnership with the prime minister of the time, from Winston Churchill to Liz Truss. See her with all 15 PMs, in photos.
As Britain celebrates the anniversary of Prime Minister Winston Churchill's birth, Tatler looks back at the relationships between politicians and the late Queen Elizabeth II
The Conservative leadership candidates can’t stop comparing themselves to their ex-leader – while happily ignoring the truth about her time in office
Елизавета появилась на свет в результате кесарева сечения 21 апреля 1926 года в семье принца Альберта Фредерика Артура Георга и леди Елизаветы Боулз-Лайон. Официально ее день рождения празднуется в июне, чтобы поданным не помешала принять участие в торжествах плохая погода. Такую традицию завел еще…
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a move to Plan B in England.
DOMINIC SANDBROOK: It is a testament to the late Queen's tact and reserve that she held weekly audiences with 15 Prime Ministers, but we know little about what went on.
Se sabe que entre la monarca y la ex primera ministra siempre hubo una gran tensión por su manera opuesta de pensar.
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is joined by Queen Elizabeth II and five former PMs at 10 Downing Street, London, as she hosts a dinner celebrating the 250th anniversary of the residence becoming the London home of Prime Ministers. From left: James Callaghan, Lord Home, Margaret Thatcher, Lord Stockton, The Queen, Lord Wilson and Edward Heath. Find out more about our past Prime Ministers here: www.number10.gov.uk/history-and-tour/past-prime-ministers/