People like to joke about the French often, but the truth is that France is the most visited country in the world with 89 million tourists each year. And there’s good reason for it. If you kn…
26 questions de présentation, pour engager la conversation avec vos apprenants en classe de FLE.
Sujet pour s'entraîner à l'épreuve de production écrite pour le DELF B1. Le texte doit contenir entre 160 et 180 mots, doit être construit et argumenté, illustré par des exemples. - Fiches FLE
French for beginners: Complete guide for how to get started learning French for pure newbies. Resources include best books, YouTube channels and courses/apps.
French is often known as the 'language of love'. I has a unique melodic quality to it - especially to the untrained ear, making it an attractive language to learn. French is a global lingua franca today. It is the native tongue of approximately 77 million people, with an additional 204 million people speaking it
French greetings, farewells, introductions and more related phrases, full list, rules, examples, conversations and exercises to practice.
French Short Story #1 for A1 - A2 🇫🇷 - La routine matinale de Lucie! Improve your French speaking and pronunciation. French Audio and Video!
The 100 Most Common French Verbs 🇫🇷. Click each verb to learn how to conjugate it, and see examples of the verb used in sentences. Updated Weekly
Use this French numbers word search to learn how to count in French. As you look for the words, you will be reviewing vocabulary and spelling.