Putting a list of our favorite rooster breeds is quite daunting! Some of you may be upset that we haven’t mentioned your rooster breed
Which breeds make the friendliest rooster? Read about raising many different breeds to find out which roosters are the most friendly.
Some helpful tips on choosing the best rooster for your flock. When you have extra roosters it can be tough to choose. Good criteria to keep in mind!
Why you need a rooster in your flock. A flock of chickens doesn't feel complete without a rooster to protect the hens from predators. He can also help eliminate squabbles with the hens.
Discover the top breeds known for their protection abilities, learn tried-and-true methods to train them effectively, and find expert tips on managing an aggressive rooster.
When you choose a rooster for your flock, it’s important to remember that its main purposes are to assert dominance ... Read more
There are several breeds of chicken that lay blue eggs. The best-known of these breeds are the Cream Legbars, Ameraucanas, ... Read more
A list of popular dual-purpose breeds for the chicken coop. Why we love them, the best chicken coop to have, feed, protection, and care tips.
An in-depth overview of the Splash Laced Wyandotte: characteristics, plumage, patterns, genetics, breeding, origin, varieties, crosses, ..
Several chicken breeds are good choices for home flocks. Choose from features like hardiness, friendliness, easy keeping, and egg color.
This is a complete guide to the Wyandotte chicken breed. Learn everything you need to know about this awesome dual purpose bird.
An in-depth overview of the Blue Laced Red Wyandotte - characteristics, plumage, patterns, genetics, breeding, origin, varieties, crosses, ..
What is a capon? Learn more about capon and how to prepare, roast, and serve it from the experts in gourmet cuisine and fine foods at D'Artagnan.
An ideal rooster should only do two things: protect the flock and procreate. We tell you which ones are the least aggressive to people.
UPDATE: These hatchery databases are no longer current. The databases were last updated in 2020.
Considering non-hybrid chickens? Check out these dual-purpose predator-resistant Jersey Giants!
Vorwerk chickens are a rare, dual-purpose breed that originated in Germany. It was named after its breeder, Oskar Vorwerk. Vorwerk ... Read more