I think you'll agree with me when I say, that food has the center stage in the life of all living beings on our planet. You are probably aware that, your food choices have a big impact on the quality of your physical and spiritual health. In fact, food directly influences your physical and astral (linga sharira) body.
This article covers an in-depth review of foods for each chakra. This chakra diet will help support, balance, and heal our energy centers through nutritious foods. I first started teaching myself and learning about chakras, meditation, and healing crystals about ten years ago. At the time, I was dealing with a health issue and was back and forth between doctors and putting several different new medications in my body. I needed to discover holistic approaches in conjunction to this, and once I did, I was amazed at how much it helped me. I already regularly did yoga, but I also
Your root chakra goes by the name “muladhara” in ancient Sanskrit, with “dhara,” translating to a support or base, and “mula” means root. Like the roots of a mighty tree,
Discover the fruits, vegetables, pulses, nuts, grains, meats, herbs, spices, and chakra foods separately. Get started right away!
Unlock your creativity, passion, and pleasure, and nourish your mind and body with these seven foods to balance and heal your sacral chakra.
Hoe goed (of slecht) energie door jouw chakra's kan stromen, wordt mede bepaald door wat je eet. Chakra's resoneren namelijk met voeding.
You may have already heard about the Chakra system. After all, the proliferation of yoga and meditation in the West has made chakras a household name in the last few years.Now, if I were to ask you: how many chakras are there within your being? You are most likely to reply "seven". If I tell you there is an eighth chak
There are many ways to balance your chakras, but did you know that your food choices can also determine the condition of your chakras?
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In this article we look at different Root Chakra foods and recipes, so you can work out how to nourish your Root Chakra.