Learn how to practice Christian hospitality in small living spaces such as a dorm, parents' home, or a small apartment. This personal essay by Carol provides practical tips and theological grounding on how to love your neighbor through hospitality no matter where you live.
The lessons learned from Mary and Martha teach us about Christian hospitality and how we can be a good hostess (and avoid Martha's mistake).
Shannon Acheson of “Home Made Lovely” shares 10 hospitality bible verses (and a free hospitality checklist) to encourage you that God can use you, right where you are, to love on those around you!
Inside: How to bring simple and realistic hospitality into your life. It doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive to be meaningful. Hosting friends and family doesn’t have to be a grand production. In fact,
Hospitality is not Entertaining. Hospitality is not about the spotless home but focusing on the one that walks through the door of your welcoming home
Being hospitable is how we reach out to a hurting world. By doing this we mirror the character of our hospitable God. Hindrances to Hospitality series!
Biblical hospitality is more than creating the perfect spaec for guests. Read here for 15 tips for extending Biblical hospitality today.
How to be used by God and love people in hospitality. Part 2 in the Series on "Hospitality as Family Ministry." Practical Steps. Click now to read the post!
Discover how to reflect God's love and generosity through the simple, yet profound, practice of biblical hospitality with these inspiring and practical book recommendations.
We tend to make hospitality so complicated! The lost art of inviting people over has been replaced by expectation.
Life is not meant to be lived alone. Community is vital to Christian life. Hospitality is the foundation. Here are 5 simple steps to a life of hospitality!
Women in the Word of God every day.
You can show hospitality at home even if you don't have beautiful decor or fancy decorations. Hospitality is a ministry from your heart.
Entertaining is about me, hospitality is about showing them the love of God. So open your door, offer whatever you have to share.
Shortly after we were married, my husband and I moved hundreds of miles away from our hometown to go to college. We were strangers to nearly everyone in our new town. Not long after arriving, we ended up going to a church where we were warmly welcomed and shown what Christian hospitality i
9 Great Christian Hospitality Books to encourage you to build community and share your faith. Book recommendations for the best books on hospitality.