Most important 250 Academic Words List in english; 1.acronym 2.address 3.affect 4.alter 5.always 6.annotate 7.anticipate 8.application 9.apply 10.articulate 11.assert 12.assess 13.associate 14.assume 15.assumption 16.audience 17.authentic 18.brief 19.calculate 20.caption 21.category 22.cause 23.character 24.characteristic 25.citation 26.cite 27.claim 28.clarify 29.class 30.clue 31.code 32.complete 33.compose 34.composition 35.concrete 36.consistently 37.constant 38.constitutes 39.consult 40.contend 41.context 42.continuum 43.contradict 44.control 45.convert 46.convey 47.copy 48.correlate 49.correspond 50.credible 52.criteria 53.critique 54.crucial 55.cumulative 56.defend 57.demonstrate 58.depict 59.derive 60.develop 61.devise 62.diction 63.differentiate 64.discipline 66.discriminate 67.discuss 68.distinguish 69.domain 70.draft 71.draw 72.effect 73.elements 74.emphasize 75.employ 76.equal 77.equivalent 78.evaluate 79.event 80.evidence 81.excerpt 82.exclude 83.exercise 84.exhibit 85.explain 86.explore 87.expository 88.figure 89.focus 90.footer 91.foreshadow 92.form
This post includes German Crochet Terms which have been translated to English Crochet Terms (American Terms). We have more German Crochet Terms available too!
Cooking Terms! In this lesson, you will learn some important words related to cooking with ESL picture, definitions and example sentences to broaden your vocabulary. Cooking Terms List of Cooking Verbs Grate Slice Peel Whisk
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Plural Forms of Nouns The answer is a relatively easy one, as grammar goes. A plural noun is a word that indicates that there is more than one person, animal place, thing, or idea. When you talk about more than one of anything, you’re using plural nouns. When you write about more than one of […]
Adding the adverb of frequency in the right place:putting the words in the correct order,correcting sentences,and a short explanation about how to put the adverbs of frequencies - ESL worksheets
This is a useful and funny way of learning irregular verbs!!! - ESL worksheets
Spanish Crochet Terms - Crochet Translation ProjectrnThis post includes Spanish Crochet Terms which have been translated to English Crochet Terms (American Terms).
Read Final book 1st term pdf by Asim Hussain on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. Start here!
Via ISL Collective Revision here: 1st TERM 2nd. TERM: Unit 4 : Present Continuous and Simple, Describing people,...: 1 , 2 , ...
Download and print these free demonstrative pronoun worksheets and use them in class today! Below you'll find a collection of worksheets for teaching 'this' 'that' 'these' and 'those' to kids and beginner English language learners.