The tarot, originally know as the trionfi, is a pack of playing cards used from the mid 15th century in various parts of Europe to play games such as Italian tarocchini, French tarot, and Austrian Konigrufen. In the late 18th century, some tarot decks began to be used for divination through tarot reading, which lead to
Pamela Colman Smith created the artwork for the famous Raider-Waite tarot deck but her legacy has remained in the shadows of the mystic who commissioned the work, Arthur Edward Waite.
La apasionante historia del Tarot y el revelador significado de sus cartas
In New York City, not far from Grand Central Station, there lies an important relic of tarot history. Among its collection of illuminated manuscripts and
In New York City, not far from Grand Central Station, there lies an important relic of tarot history. Among its collection of illuminated manuscripts and
Tarot is a stunning deep dive into 600 years of divine decks (TASCHEN/$40). Trace the hidden history of Tarot in the first volume from TASCHEN's Library of Esoterica, a series…
You hear a lot about tarot, but what’s it all about? Fiona Lensvelt explains the rich symbolism in a selection of tarot decks and cards.
Echoes Through Time tarot is an indie deck created with digital collage and featuring vintage, classical paintings given a new lease of life.