Have some cool bottles hanging around the house? Discarded liquor and wine bottles can be transformed into your own custom lamps to make fun and inexpensive gifts for your friends!
Make a Cool Light From a Whiskey Bottle: Here's how to make a stylish lamp out of an empty whiskey bottle at very little cost. This is the perfect item to brighten up your study, studio, man cave, or nuclear bunker, no specialist tools or hard to learn techniques, just a couple of new dril…
If you’ve ever wondered How to Make a Bourbon Bottle Lamp, then this post is for you! We live in Kentucky, which is also known as the bourbon capital of the […]
Art bottle.
Don’t toss those old wine bottles; instead use them in a variety of Cool Wine Bottles Craft Ideas. Create lamps, decorative items, and cute ornaments to simply lighten up your home.
Cool Things To Make With Empty Jack Daniel’s Whiskey Bottles – I love all these ideas for upcycling empty Jack Daniels bottles and turning those empty whiskey bottles into useful...
Are you a big drinker of wine? It is possible that either you or other members of your family like drinking wine. Or else you have access to old wine bottles. You must be wondering by now why we are asking you these questions.
Don’t throw away the things that can be reused … this is how the basic rule of those passionate of DIY projects sounds like. Today we review the potential that lies in used bottles (glass or …
Make a Lamp From a Whiskey Bottle: I was given an empty whiskey bottle by a friend who said he wanted to make a lamp out of it but didn't know where to start, so of course I offered to help. I wanted to use reclaimed materials as much as possible on this build so I opted to adapt an …
We're chatting all about the Art of Patron campaign, giving you a chance to win $10,000, and throwing in a simple,life-changing hack for you! Read on for more details!