In our modern lives, we often find ourselves disconnected from the natural world around us. Here we share some grounding meditation ideas that you can try.
Teach and share mindfulness and meditation using the SAME curriculum this former Buddhist monk has shared with well-known organizations.
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Get comfortable.. if you`re lying down let your whole body relax and become comfy. Allow your arms to relax down by your side, (if you`re sitting, then relax your hands on your lap or at your side) in whatever way feels comfy) and your feet apart and settled on the floor. And close your eyes. This is your time now, so leave all your worries at the door. Allow yourself to relax into the flow of the moment. There is only right here, right now. Notice any sounds outside of the room, acknowledge them and let them go. Notice any sounds inside of the room, acknowledge them and let them go. Tell your body to relax. Let your feet & legs soften into position. Drop your shoulders. Relax your hands. Allow your full body to soften down and relax into a natural position. Take a deep cleansing breath in…and let it flow out again, breathing out the tension in your body. Allow your breathing to fall into its own natural rhythm, not trying to control it in any way. Keep your awareness to your breath. Notice the cool sensation as it goes in through your nose, down the back of your throat, and into your lungs. Then notice as it leaves again back through your throat and nose. Let your breathing fall into its natural rhythm. Just observe it as it moves in and out. In and out. Acknowledge any random thoughts that come into your mind and let them go, as you bring your attention back to your breathing, in and out. Watching your natural breathing rhythm, in and out.. If thoughts intrude, just acknowledge them then allow them to flow on past, and return your attention to your breathing.. Now as you inhale, feel yourself breathing in relaxation. As you exhale, feel yourself breathe out tension. Breathing in…relaxation. Breathing out…tension. With every in-breath, you breathe in relaxation. With every out- breath your shoulders drop and your body relaxes. Feel your chest and stomach gently rise and fall with each breath. Notice how your body feels. How calm and gentle your breathing is, how relaxed your body is. Continue watching your breathing, and staying mindful of it.. in and out. As you drift off, allow my voice to bring your attention back to your breathing. Just watching your natural breathing rhythm as it comes in and goes out, breathing in and out..allowing the relaxation to flow in and out.. Think of a person that you wish to let go of or cut off from or forgive. It might be someone who is presently in your life, regularly or not so frequent. They might be near to you or far away. Or it might be someone from your past. Visualise the person standing in front of you. Think of your reasons for letting this person or issue to leave your life. It may be because the person or situation harms your well-being or causes you to feel negative emotions.. or simply because it is time to let go of the situation once and for all. Let yourself feel all the emotions attached to the situation and the person. Now bring your attention to your Solar Plexus, your stomach area… visualise a fine silvery energy cord that reaches from your solar plexus to their solar plexus, this silver cord that creates the link, the attachment to each other. See it radiate and pulsate as it feeds the energy connection. Every time you even think about this person or be in contact with this person, the link between you is being strengthened. Now imagine that you have a big pair of golden scissors in your hands… visualise yourself cutting through this energy cord with the scissors. If it does not cut through the first time, do it again with emotional strength behind it. Detaching yourself from this person. Dissolving the connection. You are now completely detached. I want you to surround the person with healing green light, wish them well, bless them with love and forgiveness for their journey and watch them turn around and move off on their path. Feel the release around your solar plexus. I want you to pull any remaining energy back into your solar plexus.. cover and seal your solar plexus chakra with yellow light, telling yourself “I bring all my energy back to me”. You are safe and protected. You hold your own power with love. Let yourself now be aware of any feelings of heaviness leftover- in your body or energy field or emotional. Visualise yourself under a gentle waterfall or shower of silver light. let this light pour over you, through you and out through your hands and feet and every orifice. Clearing and cleansing your energy field of any negative residue. Bring your attention now to your chest area. Here, you can see a little green light, the emerald green of the heart chakra. Gently breathe into your Heart, letting it soften with each breath. Allow the green light to expand, to get brighter, to gently swirl in your chest. As you breathe out, let go of any tension in your heart. Allow it all to leave your heart with every out breath. Release any negative emotions from your heart centre that have been wearing you down. Allow yourself to feel these emotions as they leave your body. Feel the pain and let it go with each out breath.. release all pain, unforgiveness, anger, grief, self loathing, loss, regret. It is natural to feel these emotions, and it is healthy to feel them deeply then let them go. Allow it all to leave the heart centre to make space for love. As you let go of the past, you realise that there are no mistakes, only lessons and growth as you move forward. Continuous cycles of learning and growing. Situations and people entering your life, and leaving again when the purpose is served. Everyone we meet is for a reason..a blessing or a lesson. Everything is happening in the right way at the right time. And just as the body needs time to heal from an illness, the heart and soul also need time to heal from hurt, pain, anger, a gradual process of growing and healing. For now in this moment of time, let go of any hurt in your heart, make room to invite in another little bit of peace and healing, new and beautiful people and situations. Bring your attention back to your heart chakra…gently swirling ready to invite in some beautiful green light - the colour of spring. Bathe your heart centre with nourishment, renewal, healing. Let your Heart takes what it needs and tell yourself- “I easily forgive myself and others. I lovingly forgive myself. They are free and I am free. All is well in my heart now. I allow myself to give and receive love freely” Fill up your heart centre with the green light, allowing it to heal you with every in breath. The green glow brings you deep love, compassion, balance. As you breathe in, allow it to fill up your whole chest area. You are loved. You are free. You are back to centre. This is the chakra of love for yourself and others. Let it glow, bringing gifts of compassion, self-acceptance, and the ability to love deeply. Breathe in pink or green and let these feelings expand, seeing yourself living in perfect harmony with everyone in your life. Let it fill you with gratitude for this opportunity to live in this wonderful world. Feel your heart swell with compassion and forgiveness for yourself and others. With every breath in allow this wonderful light to fill your heart, and radiate through your body, filling every little space, healing every cell that it fills. Let the light fill your heart and body until it is overflowing, until you have more than you need. Until you can spread your light and love back out again with the world, drawing it in through your heart chakra and letting it flow back out, in a beautiful cycle. Spend a few moments allowing yourself to breathe in the healing light, dissolving all those negative feelings. Now visualise your heart chakra closing down a little, into the size of a fairy light, back to normal function. Now, bring your awareness back to the flow of your breathing, in and out, in and out. Feel the cool breath in your nose and throat. Notice the natural movement of your tummy, rising & falling, as you breathe. Be aware again of your full body as it rests against the floor or seat. Bring your attention to your toes, and give them a little wiggle. Then to your fingers and give them a little wiggle. Give your shoulders a little shrug. Let yourself be aware of the room again, of all the sounds close by. And when you feel ready to, you can open your eyes, bringing yourself back to the present moment. Nice and gently, soaking up all the lovely feelings. Take your time and have a little stretch.
10-minute meditation script for stress relief. Now you too can calm your mind, relax your body, and find inner peace. Your journey to tranquility starts now!
Discover Inner Peace with a Self-Love Guided Meditation Script: Boost Your Confidence, Cultivate Kindness, and Nurture Positive Energy Within.
Your future self has already gone through what you’re experiencing and will overcome in the next 5 or 10 years. They are wise—let's visualize together through the guided meditation below to seek clarity and wisdom from your future self. There’s a 20-minute future self meditation script that you can practice on your own or for