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Shaggy Ink-Cap (Coprinus Comatus) fungi mushroom. As the cap matures it deliquesces into an inky black fluid. This specimen was found by the side of a path in deciduous woodland. Photo taken at Potteric Carr nature reserve, Doncaster, South Yorkshire in mid October. Camera: Nikon D300 Lens: Nikon Af-S Ii 400mm F2.8 If-Ed with 2x teleconverter. Support: Manfrotto monopod 680B Maybe not the ideal setup for this kind of photography but I was after bird photos on the day! I use my photos as inspiration and reference for my paintings which can be seen at: www.stevegreaves.com
Do you know about Edible Mushrooms that Grow on Trees? Well, here are some tasty ones that you can spot in the wild!