Learn about rooster breeds. Know which roosters are easier to handle and why you should keep them.
Discover the 19 Best Rooster Breeds for your flock. From friendly Leghorns to ornamental Silkies, get the one that suits your backyard!
Putting a list of our favorite rooster breeds is quite daunting! Some of you may be upset that we haven’t mentioned your rooster breed
Landrace chicken breeds may be the perfect option for your flock. Although these breeds aren’t as well-known as they should be, many of them are well suited for particularly harsh environments, and many are gorgeous in appearance. In this post, you’ll learn: What landrace chicken breeds are W
UPDATE: These hatchery databases are no longer current. The databases were last updated in 2020.
Deutsche Langschan:Ruhig und zutraulich - Das Deutsche Langschan ist eine alte gefährdete Hühnerrasse. Hühner halten für den Selbstversorger: Fleischrassen.
The Aseel chicken breed is a hardy, disease-resistant bird that is well-suited for hot climates.
Rhode Island Red is one of America’s most well-known breeds of chickens. The Rhode Island Red Rooster is iconic, distinctive ... Read more
Meet the Sanjak Longcrower Chicken Breed! A rare breed with melodious crowing, Ottoman heritage. They also have a unique appearance!
First becoming a chicken breed of note in Germany and the Netherlands around the early 1700s, the Lakenvelder chicken is ... Read more
UPDATE: These hatchery databases are no longer current. The databases were last updated in 2020.
The Black Copper Maran Chicken Breed is not popular for its beautiful appearance. But they produce distinctive egg colors and act calmly.
The Naked Neck. Is she adorable, or is she hideous? You either love that naked neck, or you, well, don’t. The appearance of the Naked Neck, also called the Turken, is definitely the feature of this bird that gets the most attention. But there are so many other facets that make this chicken unique
UPDATE: These hatchery databases are no longer current. The databases were last updated in 2020.
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