Our muscles do not function in isolation and as shown by the below illustration, are connected together by fascia lines into what’s technically known as myofascial lines. The below graphic shows the main fascia lines, however it is not exhaustive as the body includes other lines such as the arm fascia lines and deep muscle […]
Hips that pop, click, or snap during particular movements characterize snapping hip syndrome. While often harmless, the following conditions can sometimes lead to joint damage and pain.
COMMON KNEE INJURIES ✨ - for more detailed information, visit our IG account (@PTFlashcards) 📲 Thank you and Happy Studying!! 🤗 #Orthopedic #PhysicalTherapy #PTknows #PTstudygram #MedicalFacts #Studygram #PTreviews #Medicine
Dry brushing ist eine ganz einfache Massage-Technik und die perfekt Detox-Methode für zuhause. Die tägliche Bürstenmassage entfernt abgestorbene Hautschüppchen, öffnet die Poren und ist damit einerseits gut für eine strahlende gesunde Haut, gleichzeitig dienen die langen, stimulierenden Bürstenstriche andererseits zur Anregung des Lymphflusses und der Durchblutung und sind so optimal zur gesunden Entgiftung des Körpers geeignet. Positiver Nebeneffekt der Trockenmassage mit einer Bürste: morgens angewendet fühlt man sich frisch und erholt und startet optimal in den neuen Tag.
This is a digital download, you will not receive a physical product. A poster to show each of the four myofascial slings. Perfect to use for a therapy reference guide or as a poster to educate patients how muscle groups are connected. How to print: At your local print store Print on your home printer Email PDF or JPEG to an online print company Please note colours are converted to CYMK format but final colour may vary due to printer settings. You will receive an A4 (210 x 297mm) in 300 DPI JPEG and PDF. You can request another size in the same ratio for free.