Update the look of your home and add some personal touches with these modern, beautiful and inspiring staircase gallery wall ideas.
Explore 26 inspiring ideas for decorating the wall going up your stairs - add style, warmth, and character to turn an overlooked wall into a stunning focal point.
A DIY fan has revealed how she transformed her dull staircase with inexpensive buys from Amazon. Jade Doutch, from the UK, took to Instagram to share the affordable home transformation, which saw h…
Transform your tall, uninteresting staircase with these inspiring stairwell decorating ideas. Learn how a staircase makeover with new moldings and a gallery wall can completely revitalize the space, adding charm and personality to your home.
Stairways offer a unique space to showcase your style. Accent walls can transform these often overlooked areas into eye-catching features
More wall decorating Q & A today, this time a tall stair wall. This homeowner wants to know what to do on this tall stair wall and what to do on the lower wall portion too. Come and see the pieces I found!
You’ve decided it’s high time to conquer that slanted, tricky wall space along your staircase by adding a beautiful gallery wall display, but where to start? What different layouts should you consider? First we will show several different layouts for staircase gallery walls and then we will share useful design tips and hanging tricks.
Are you looking to transform the blank space on your stairway walls into something visually stunning? A stairway gallery wall is the perfect solution to add
Tips and tricks for how to decorate you staircase wall
Choose the best stairs wall decor ideas that you like. Classic Staircase Wall Design; Staircase Wallpaper Ideas; Clever Styling for Vignette; Blending Baskets
Ascend with style! Discover creative wall decor solutions for the space above the stairs. Make every step a design statement in your home.
Elevate your entryway's charm and create a warm, inviting atmosphere with four chic decor ideas that will make your stair wall a stunning focal point in your home.
When it comes to interior design and home decor, we often overlook the staircase wall. Your stairs are the first thing visitors see as they step into your entrance hall, so it makes sense to want to create a welcoming space by decorating the staircase wall with pictures. However, due to the dimensions of photo frames or artwork, it can be hard to choose the best arrangement that doesn’t look out of place.