Mastering the art of small talk isn’t simply about filling silence. It’s about making connections, building rapport, and encouraging others to open up. The trick isn’t in talking more, but rather, saying the right things. The best conversationalists know how to use specific phrases to steer the conversation and engage others. I’ve got 9 phrases … Continue reading "The art of small talk: 9 phrases great conversationalists always use"
A "can we talk?" can fix a whole lot of things. -Unknown
ART EVERY DAY NUMBER 362 / ILLUSTRATION / STRANGERS Art Every Day Number 362 STRANGERS is about having a conversation... Meeting in the middle ...
Want to get her in the mood through text? Forget the vagye hints and send these naughty sex questions to ask a girl over text. They're sure to turn her on!
A study found that small talk has a dramatic effect on getting to know someone’s personality.
Netflix's "Love Is Blind" has sparked a lot of conversations about the relationship between voice and attraction. Can a voice make or break romance?
69 Dom sub sayings covering Dominant dirty talk (or dominant things to say in bed), Femdom Messages (BDSM text) and examples on how to reply to a Dom.
Ask questions, listen to the answers. Let go of the desire to seem smart, funny, or interesting. Be curious and kind — “no one can fault you for that.” A collection of recent pieces of advice on how to have better conversations and connections.