The Awkward Yeti is a webcomic and comic book series created by Nick Seluk. The series is known for its unique blend of humor and purpose, featuring an anthropomorphic heart and brain that share a dynamic and entertaining relationship. Still going, it began in 2012 and offers a glimpse of the humorous shenanigans that the
Heart and Brain - Buch From paying taxes and getting up for work, to dancing with kittens and starting a band, readers will relate to the struggle between Heart and Brain. The Awkward Yeti, Nick Seluk ISBN: 9781449470890 - Egal, ob Sie Bücher kaufen oder andere Artikel – unsere Produkte werden immer versandkostenfrei geliefert, ohne Mindestbestellwert!
The Awkward Yeti Store is the official online store for merchandise designed by The Awkward Yeti. Browse our catalog and place your orders today!