A weekly spread is a part of your journal where you do your day to day planning. Learn what weekly spread is, what to include there, and get inspired by 65 amazing weekly spreads.
Die Möglichkeiten bei Bullet Journal Wochenübersichten sind absolut grenzenlos – nichts ist unmöglich! Ganz egal, was du für deine Woche gerade brauchst: Ob viel zu tun ist oder wenig, du viele Termine hast oder gar keine, oder ob du einfach an vieles denken musst. Deine Wochenübersicht kannst du dir jede Woche genau so gestalten, dass […]
Have you ever felt like your life is a chaotic whirlwind of tasks, goals, and half-formed habits? 🌪️ Well, my friend, it’s time to grab the reins and take control! Enter the world of bullet…
In diesem Post stelle ich dir die Wochenübersicht des Bullet Journals vor und zeige einige Beispiele, wie du sie gestalten kannst.
bullet journal streamlined weekly log
Bullet Journal Weekly Layouts
Comment présentez-vous vos weekly et daily log ? Voici 11 idées dont vous pourrez librement vous inspirer pour votre bullet journal !
So I’ve jumped on the bullet journal bandwagon. I’ve said before that I was never going to use one but I trialed it for a month back in July and actually enjoyed it. It’s not some…
I love minimalist bullet journal because they are easy to create and are functional too. Here are some minimalist bullet journal ideas for your bujo pages.
In the bullet journal community, the weekly spread is sacred. How will you stay organized and work towards your weekly goals this week? Will your weekly spread match your monthly log or will you pick a new theme each week? Whichever path you pick, we’ve got a list here of 40 bullet journal December weekly spread ideas. Pin your favorites to Pinterest to save them for later in your bullet journal ideas board. Once you pick the one you want to try, let us know how your recreation went in the comments! 1. Candy Cane Boxes Bujo Daily Boxes Photo credit: steph.bujo The Grinch can’t interrupt our happy December! These candy cane stripes are a great way to create your daily boxes for the weekly spread. They add playfulness and movement. 2. White Lettering on Green and Red Photo credit: miras.journal 3. Snowflake Headers Bujo Spread Photo credit: art_n_foxes 4. Weather Report, Holly Wreaths, Oh My! Photo credit: teanbujo Creating a simple wreath around the days of the week is a cute way to decorate your weekly spread. This holly wreath is a subtle reminder of Christmas. With the tiny boxes to track the weather, you are ready to plan […]
A running task list is an easy and quick way to track your weekly tasks. Read more to see how it works in your bullet journal!
En panne d'inspiration pour votre page Weekly Log (vue hebdomadaire) dans votre bullet journal ? Voici 10 idées de mise en page !
Are you looking for free weekly planners? A well-designed weekly planner is a powerful tool for staying organized, focused, and productive.