Have you settled in for a luxurious savasana and had your teacher read a life-changing quote aloud? Has a poem or short story left you elated, inspired, and more connected to your true self? In this blog post, I reveal some of my favorite quotes to end a
Do yoga while reading with these yoga reading poses that will allow you to have a deep stretch while enjoying your favourtie book!
Words of inspiration that bring life to the spiritual power of yoga and honor- live your yoga. Poems to provide inspiration for on and off the mat.
Interested in learning about the 8 limbs of yoga in plain, simple English? Learn what they're all about here! (Including a free printable)
Salutation à la lune versus salutation au soleil En yoga, on entend beaucoup parler de la salutation au soleil, un enchaînement dynamique de mouvements pour éveiller, (r)échauffer le corps, avant la pratique d’autres asanas (postures). Mais la lune a aussi son importance dans le yoga, équilibre que l’on retrouve dans le terme sanskrit «Hatha»[yoga], “Ha” … Salutation à la Lune, Chandra Namaskar Lire la suite »
Yoga Nidra scripts are helpful tools for yoga teachers as well as students. Scripts provide a systematic dialogue that can be used by a yoga teacher working
Are you a Viking or Dancer fascia type? Discover the different fascia body types, how to identify yours, and the benefits for yoga practitioners.
Yoga for children with special needs can be a very useful and therapeutic tool. Read one person's testimonial to see how yoga helped a child.
Cat-cow pose is an integral point of many yoga warm up sequences. Here's a look at why this pose is beloved by so many yogis.
Get movement tips, free video trainings & honest stories from my barefoot adventures around the world!
Yoga Teacher Talk is a new series that discusses everything related to teaching yoga. I’m hoping it will be a great resource and conversation start for current and prospective teachers. Make sure to pop on over to the Yoga Forum , where we’ve got a whole section dedicated to yoga teache
One of the biggest skills you need as a yoga teacher is how to sequence yoga classes that are safe, well-balanced, and well-structured.
Including yoga in your daily exercise routine is highly beneficial, especially for women. Here are a few yoga poses for women over 60. Check them out here.