Since 2012, Arne Olav Gurvin Fredriksen aka Gyyporama, has been casually combining animals in Photoshop, creating quirky hybrids that have spread far and wide online.
A Norwegian electronics engineer by day, Fredriksen says the hybrids are a fun hobby for him and he routinely shares his work on Instagram and reddit.
Take a gander at some of Arne’s most popular hybrids below. If you’ve wasted hours on the Internet you’ve probably come across a few of them in the ‘wild’ and just never knew who the creator was 🙂
For many more, check out Arne’s work at the links below!
[via reddit]
1. Horseal
2. Killerpenguin
3. Birkat
4. Guinealion
5. Phantee
6. Heagle
7. Elephuck
8. Belugull
9. Porse
10. Birdrilla
11. Huck
12. Hammergull
13. Shorse
14. Elephird
15. Chorse
16. Sharkopotamus
17. Probird
18. Belugorse
19. Seabull
20. Dorse
21. Swama
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