Oct 29, 2018

This Guy Combines Animals in Photoshop and Now I Don’t Know What’s Real

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Since 2012, Arne Olav Gurvin Fredriksen aka Gyyporama, has been casually combining animals in Photoshop, creating quirky hybrids that have spread far and wide online.

A Norwegian electronics engineer by day, Fredriksen says the hybrids are a fun hobby for him and he routinely shares his work on Instagram and reddit.

Take a gander at some of Arne’s most popular hybrids below. If you’ve wasted hours on the Internet you’ve probably come across a few of them in the ‘wild’ and just never knew who the creator was 🙂

For many more, check out Arne’s work at the links below!

[via reddit]


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1. Horseal


2. Killerpenguin


3. Birkat


4. Guinealion


5. Phantee


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6. Heagle


7. Elephuck


8. Belugull


9. Porse


10. Birdrilla


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11. Huck


12. Hammergull


13. Shorse


14. Elephird


15. Chorse


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16. Sharkopotamus


17. Probird


18. Belugorse


19. Seabull


20. Dorse


21. Swama


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