Jan 16, 2019

Woman Forced to Remove Dying Tree, Turns It Into Tiny Library Instead

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When city workers of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho told Sharalee Armitage Howard they would have to remove a huge 110-year-old tree from her front yard, she was saddened. Determined to preserve whatever she could of the beautiful tree, she decided to turn the tree’s trunk into a free neighbourhood library with the help of the nonprofit organization, Little Free Library.

With over 75,000 ‘Little Free Libraries’ in 88 countries, it’s possible you’ve seen these (though not as elaborate) in your own neighbourhood! According to Sharalee, the old cottonwood tree was starting to drop huge branches onto the sidewalk and street and the tree was simply approaching the end of its remarkably long life.

On Facebook, Howard also added: “This tree won’t look amazing until Spring when I can plant groundcover and cheerful perennials around it, touch up the paint, and fine-tune the trimwork”

Below you can find some additional photos of this amazing little library along with a video from a local news channel.












Sharalee Armitage Howard on Facebook
Colossal: Little Tree Library
Bored Panda: Woman Turned 110-Year-Old Dead Tree Into A Free Little Library For The Neighborhood


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art · BEST OF · books · conversion · custom · DESIGN · diy · library · NATURE/SPACE · sculpture · STORIES · treehouse · trees · wood

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