Jan 28, 2019

This Wile E. Coyote Street Art is the Best Thing You’ll See Today

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Street artist E.LEE recently completed this awesome artwork in his hometown of Chicago at the Soho House in West Loop. In an interview with StreetArtNews.net Lee adds:


“It was a challenge creating a story-line using two corners with so much distance between them. But I was really happy to do this Wile E Coyote piece. The consummate failure is my favorite character of all time. I love him for knowing what he wants and going after it; for being creative in the pursuit; and for always getting up after he falls and trying again.”


To see the latest artwork from Lee check him out at the links below.

[via Flintor on reddit]










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art · BEST OF · cartoons · COMICS · coyote and roadrunner · looney tunes · street art · top

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