Contact information has gone digital but that doesn’t mean the traditional business card no longer serves a purpose. Business cards these days are used to make an impression. They can be great marketing tools for your services and a memorable ‘card’ can lead to new opportunities.
Below you will find a collection of 26 of the most creative business cards that aren’t even cards in the traditional sense. They do however, make an impression and break through the noise.
1. LEGO employees have the best business cards
2. Bike tool that fits in your wallet
Design by Rethink Canada
3. For Personal Trainers
4. Business card caliper
Design by alikins
5. The ‘Cardapult’: Business card catapult
Design by Bryce Bell
6. Business card coins
Design by dashdot
7. Business cards for plumbers
Design by Indelible Design
8. Beef jerky business card is good for a year
Design by Rethink Canada
9. Music to your eyes
Design by Vitor Bonates
10. TMake a seat
Design by Richard C Evans
11. Jack of all trades
Design by Anthony Cole
12. Cheese grater for cheese shop
Design by JWT Brazil
13. Business card skateboard deck
Design by JukeBox Print
14. Musical business card comb
Design by Fabio Milito
15. Lavender sachet business card
Design by Oleander+Palm
16. Frame of mind
Design by Piko
17. Delivery box business card
Design by Young & Rubicam Brazil
18. Problem solving business card
Design by Avid Creative
19. Fabric business card
Design by Francesca Pasini
20. Stand up for creativity
Design by David Sjunnesson
21. Business card ring sizer for Jewellers
Design by Jung Von Matt
22. Yoga mat business card
Design by Bryce Bell
23. Business card chocolates
Design by FCB South Africa
24. Lock pick business card
Design by Kevin Mitnick
25. For growing businesses
Design by Jamie Wieck
26. This business card plays Tetris
Design by Kevin Bates
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