Jan 29, 2019

Amazing Vortex Water Sculpture by William Pye

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Photograph via fluffymuha on Reddit



According to Greek mythology, the sirens Charybdis and Scylla resided in the Sicilian Sea. Homer tells us that because Charybdis had stolen the oxen of Hercules, Zeus struck her with a thunderbolt and changed her into a whirlpool whose vortex swallowed up ships.

In the fascinating vortex water sculpture by artist William Pye entitled Charybdis, the circular movement of water inside a transparent acrylic cylinder forms an air-core vortex in the centre. Steps wrap around the cylinder and allow spectators to view the vortex from above. The cylinder was manufactured in Grand Junction, Colorado.

At time of completion Charybdis was William Pye’s largest air core vortex water sculpture to date, and used for only the second time the clear acrylic polymer he employed in Clearwater Cube. This material has enabled Pye to extend his sculptural language and to explore more ways in which to challenge the wayward element of water. A high level of water filtration is essential for maintaining transparency and thereby expressing the drama of the vortex.

This sculpture was completed in 2000 for the Seaham Hall Hotel in County Durham, UK. At the bottom of the post you will find a video that goes into more depth about the sculpture and how it works. Enjoy!



Photograph via Andrew Curtis



Photograph via Andrew Curtis



Photograph via Andrew Curtis



Photograph via Andrew Curtis



Photograph via Andrew Curtis













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