Jan 29, 2019

Astronaut Alex Gerst Unveils Jaw-Dropping Earth Timelapse in Ultra HD

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This timelapse video was made from images taken by ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst orbiting Earth on the International Space Station. The montage is made from a long sequence of still photographs taken at a resolution of 4256 x 2832 pixels at a rate of one every second. The high resolution allowed the ESA production team to create a 3840 x 2160 pixel movie, also known as Ultra HD or 4K.

Playing these sequences at 25 frames per second, the film runs 25 times faster than it looks for the astronauts in space. The artistic effects of the light trails from stars and cities at night are created by superimposing the individual images and fading them out slowly. Alexander Gerst is a member of the International Space Station Expedition 40 crew. He is spending five and a half months living and working on the ISS for his Blue Dot mission.



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4K · auroras · earth · iss · space · time-lapse

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