Jan 29, 2019

Awesome Batman Symbol Made from Thread

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Artwork and Photography by Perspicere @ perspicere2012.tumblr.com/



For the past 10 years Perspicere has been building a reputation as an artist in the North West of England through his Street Art illustrations and exhibitions in various galleries, bars, cafes and other spaces. He founded the award winning Don’t Think Twice Collective, a group of like minded artists who collaborated in creating exhibitions and events including the annual Soapbox and Soapbox LIVE event, a mix of art, dance, music and live performance. In November 2011 Perspicere held his first solo exhibition of his geometric illustrations.

You can catch all of the latest artwork from Perspicere on his Tumblr (http://perspicere2012.tumblr.com), where a recent piece, the famous Batman symbol made from hundreds of pieces of thread, has exploded on Tumblr racking up over 3,400 notes since Monday.

Perspicere has an impressive collection of artwork using thread on his site, check out the following tag for more great examples: http://perspicere2012.tumblr.com/tagged/thread




Artwork and Photography by Perspicere @ perspicere2012.tumblr.com/




Artwork and Photography by Perspicere @ perspicere2012.tumblr.com/




Artwork and Photography by Perspicere @ perspicere2012.tumblr.com/




Artwork and Photography by Perspicere @ perspicere2012.tumblr.com/




Artwork and Photography by Perspicere @ perspicere2012.tumblr.com/











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