Jan 29, 2019

Game of Thrones Houses: The Internet Edition

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Caldwell Tanner is the editorial illustrator at CollegeHumor. He’s well-known for his hilarious artworks often found at the intersection of pop culture and Internet culture. In this series, Tanner imagines what the Game of Thrones inspired House Sigils for the Internet would look like.

You can find the original post on CollegeHumor. And for those wondering about the omission of certain board, Tanner states, “everyone knows 4Chan is the Night’s Watch of the Internet.”



1. House Google



2. House Facebook



3. House Tumblr



4. House Reddit



5. House Wikipedia



6. House Netflix



7. House Imgur



8. House Buzzfeed



9. House Twitter



10. House Cracked



11. House DeviantArt





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