Jan 29, 2019

Larger Than Life Portraits Made from Everyday Objects

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Starting from a photograph, Bernard Pras creates amazing pieces of art by adding ordinary objects like used toys, tools, pieces of rubber, or whatever else you can think of. From up-close his works look like nothing more than random stacks of stuff, but from a certain angle and distance, they reveal their true beauty. This is known an anamorphosis.

Born in 1952, Pras studied fine arts in Toulouse, France. Having painted for 20 years, Pras found a new way of expression in 1997. Working from a drawing, he collects irregular objects, according to their colour, shape, and even sense. He then assembles them, observing the progress of his work through his camera.

The larger than life anamorphic collages can take up entire rooms. To truly get a sense of scale and effort required, be sure to check out the behind-the-scenes video at the bottom of the post.

Bernard Pras is represented by the following galleries. Be sure to check out his work at the links below as well as his official site: bernardpras.fr

Mazel Galerie
Tony Rocfort Galerie
Photo Edition Berlin
AD Galerie
Sergio Goncalves Galeria

[via Ignant & Colossal]


1. Sotigui Kouyaté

Artwork and Photography by BERNARD PRAS



Artwork and Photography by BERNARD PRAS



Artwork and Photography by BERNARD PRAS



2. Albert Einstein

Artwork and Photography by BERNARD PRAS



3. Salvador Dali

Artwork and Photography by BERNARD PRAS



4. Jean-Michel Basquiat

Artwork and Photography by BERNARD PRAS



5. Mahatma Gandhi

Artwork and Photography by BERNARD PRAS



6. Edvard Munch – The Scream

Artwork and Photography by BERNARD PRAS










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Article Categories:
anamorphic · art · BEST OF · collage · installation · portraits · sculpture

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