In this creative series that combines illustration and photography, we see models posing on top of sidewalk illustrations. The amazing illustrations were done by artist Nithin Rao Kumblekar, a former ad-agency art director that now freelances for corporate clients, ad agencies and publishers.
The photographs were taken by Abhitab Kame, and the entire series was done for Allen Solly, a men’s fashion retailer based in India (the ad agency was Ogilvy). For me, it’s the illustrations that really shine in this series, they bring the entire project to life. You can see the final print ads here.
[via Photojojo & Le Zèbre bleu]
Illustrations by Nithin Rao Kumblekar | Photograph by Abhitab Kame
Illustrations by Nithin Rao Kumblekar | Photograph by Abhitab Kame
Illustrations by Nithin Rao Kumblekar | Photograph by Abhitab Kame
Illustrations by Nithin Rao Kumblekar | Photograph by Abhitab Kame
Illustrations by Nithin Rao Kumblekar | Photograph by Abhitab Kame
Illustrations by Nithin Rao Kumblekar | Photograph by Abhitab Kame
Illustrations by Nithin Rao Kumblekar | Photograph by Abhitab Kame
Illustrations by Nithin Rao Kumblekar | Photograph by Abhitab Kame
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