Jan 29, 2019

Painting with Food by Red Hong Yi

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Red Hong Yi likes to paint, just not with a paintbrush. Last year, Red challenged herself to create a new food portrait ever day for the entire month of March. Red has continued the tasty series which she shares on her wildly popular Instagram and Facebook pages.

Below you will find a small gallery of her most recent food art. Be sure to check her out at the links below for her latest. Food is just one of the many materials she’s used in her paintings. her website is definitely worth checking out, you won’t believe what else she’s used to create her wonderful works of art!





Artwork by RED HONG YI
Website | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Instagram


Red cabbage and mayonnaise



Artwork by RED HONG YI
Website | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Instagram


Goldfish made of pickled ginger, eyeballs made of century eggs, grass made of dill and jelly made of chicken consommé and gelatine



Artwork by RED HONG YI
Website | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Instagram



Artwork by RED HONG YI
Website | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Instagram


Body: Durian; eye: longan; tail/fin: chiku; water: pomelo



Artwork by RED HONG YI
Website | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Instagram


Tulips made from baby chilis



Artwork by RED HONG YI
Website | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Instagram



Artwork by RED HONG YI
Website | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Instagram



Artwork by RED HONG YI
Website | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Instagram



Artwork by RED HONG YI
Website | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Instagram




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