@stellaandrews: I'm no singer, I'm no actor, I'm now a tik toker @drewstarkey: uh... pretty sure you're two of those things and it's not the Ke$ha song Social Media | real life Sister story to Serendipity
Tom Selleck
Hugh Jackman doesn't think young people should look up to his iconic Wolverine character.
The actor talks about his best asset in Vanity Fair Italia
In a series of vague tweets, the actress commented for the first time about her exit.
We watch House every week. Yep, we know that the whole thing is preposterous; what major (or even minor) hospital, just to get started, has an adminstrator/dean of medicine who not only wears miniskirts but has time to know every case in the ER? The big draw is Hugh Laurie; I've been a fan since Blackadder days, and loved the Jeeves and Wooster shows with Stephen Fry. House is a mope, but Hugh's a hoot....
Hype is swirling around Glen Powell the star of 'Anyone But You,' but he has other things on his mind—like getting in the best shape of his life, making great movies, and even . . . dating.
@zpanda_wtk ちなみにプロフェッサーXを演じるジェームズ・マカヴォイ先輩(敬意を込めて)は、マグニートーを演じるマイケル・ファスベンダーと4回SEXしたそうですw公式ですww http://t.co/CS4F7PIujO
Kétség nem fér hozzá, hogy az egyik legnagyobb ikon Reese Witherspoon. A felejthetetlen alakításaitól kezdve egészen a 90-es évektől napjainkig, a kitartó, női szolidaritása, aktivizmusa, inspiráló, komplex női történeteket a képernyőre és a filmvászonra vivő produkciós cége, saját márkája és tökéletes családja mind-mind arról tanúskodik, hogy Witherspoon az életét nagyon is jól menedzseli. És ez alól nem képez kivételt az otthona sem, ami ugyanolyan jó ízléssel van berendezve és kidekorálva, mint amilyenek a vörös szőnyeges megjelenései.
In a rare interview as he stars in Gran Torino, the Hollywood legend opens up about the "pussy generation," America's blasé remembrance of 9/11, Barack Obama achieving the unimaginable, the beginning of his acting career (hint: good-lo
Crime. You just hate that crime, don't you? Whether it's because your parents were brutally murdered, or your television was brutally stolen, you've vowed to do everything you can to stop crime. Not stop it; you want to kick crime's teeth in.