Ayurveda kann unglaublich kraftvoll dabei sein, unsere Gesundheit zu unterstützen. Mit dieser Ayurveda-Morgenroutine...
Ayurvedische Ernährung im Einklang mit den Doshas! So stimmst Du Deinen Ernährungsplan auf Deinen Alltag, Gesundheitszustand und Lebensphase ab.
Ayurvedische Routinen & Rituale spielen im Ayurveda eine große Rolle. Denn Routinen schenken uns Stabilität und Struktur im Alltag.
Ayurveda, Acupuncture, and Hormonal Health services for women on the Gold Coast.
Mental health in Ayurveda is linked to the balance of doshas. When doshas become imbalanced, it can lead to mental disturbances such as stress, anxiety, and depression
Have you ever heard the myth that Ayurveda is all about restrictions? Let's bust that myth together! Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, invites us to embrace growth, learning, and simple yet profound shifts in our lifestyle. Imagine enhancing your and your family's well-being through gentle, mindful changes—sounds exciting, right? Integrating the Ayurveda 101 into your daily life can be easy with our Beginner's Guide.
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of holistic medicine, views each day as governed by natural rhythms that influence our mind and body. According to this wisdom, aligning our daily routines with the cycles of nature can enhance well-being, balance energy, and promote longevity. At the core of this approach lies the Ayurvedic Clock, which divides […]
A Nutrition Consultant shares 20 anti-inflammatory recipes to help you ward off illness, improve your longevity, and feel your best.
There are a variety of ways that we can tap into the ancient practices of using natural remedies to heal and stay healthy. Some of the techniques involved in leveraging herbal remedies…
Discover 10 Ayurvedic herbs that can help relieve stress naturally. Learn how these powerful, time-tested remedies promote relaxation, improve mental clarity, and support overall well-being.
In this article, we will explore the benefits of Ayurvedic wellness, including how it can improve your overall health and well-being.
Einfache und köstliche ayurvedische Rezepte für einen sanften Einstieg in die Ayurveda-Küche.
Do you get SICK often? Do you feel TIRED even after waking up? This is the BEST daily routine for a HEALTHY LIFE you NEED which changed…
Explore these 10 best Ayurveda books curated for beginners, including comprehensive guides, herbal remedies, and holistic healing practices.
Eine wunderbare ayurvedische Karottensuppe, ideal für die kommende Fastenzeit im Herbst. Fasten ist kein Modetrend: Ein oder mehrere Fastentage sind vielmehr Entlastung für den Organismus. Auch Swami Sivananda empfahl, regelmäßig einen oder mehrere Tage auf feste Nahrung verzichten.In dieser Zeit kannst du deinen Flüssigkeits- und Kalorienbedarf besonders gut mit dieser veganen Gemüsesuppe decken. Entweder mit Karotten zubereitet oder auch mit Rote Beete, Brokkoli, Spinat, Süßkartoffeln oder anderem Gemüse.
Vata Pitta Kapha are Ayurveda doshas governing physiology, personality traits & mind-body balance. Find your unique Ayurvedic body type for better wellness.
In diesem Blog findest Du tolle Rezepte für ein Ayurveda Frühstück. Lass Dir die Gerichte auf der Zunge zergehen und genieße Deinen Morgen.
“Ayurveda is the most sacred science of life” Charaka Thanks for visiting Ayurveda for Beginners! My name is Elle-Rose…
Shirodhara is a Sanskrit word comprising of 2 words ‘shiro’ meaning head and ‘dhara’ meaning pouring in stream. Thus, it is a treatment in which the warm
Discover 10 Ayurvedic strategies for effortless weight loss using natural, holistic methods for a balanced body and mind.
Tea has been cherished across cultures for centuries, and in the ancient practice of Ayurveda, tea is much more than a drink. It is a vehicle for balancing the body, mind, and spirit.
Ayurvedic Super Food
Do you want to know the most underrated ayurvedic habits then these ayurvedic tips for daily life are all that you need for….
The study found that Ayurvedic medicinal plants, particularly Withania somnifera (ashwagandha) and Centella asiatica, can improve the flies' resilience to chronic stress when used prophylactically.
Tonight, fill your cup with warm, spiced milk, a delicious exercise in self-care and nourishment.
Today, numerous people are turning to natural methods for better health and well-being. Natural healing forms like yoga, naturopathy, and Ayurveda are ancient practices which aimed at maintaining…
What is Ayurveda [The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide] - learn about all things Ayurveda, and how you can get started today agutsygirl.com
Ayurveda - Endlich eine Ernährungsform ohne super strenge Regeln und Listen. Integriere Ayurveda mit diesen 4 Quicktipps schon ab morgen in Deinen Alltag.