that light is ridiculously cool...
Craft your own CD mosaics using these tips and ideas! What a fun way to repurpose old CDs and DVDs - and a fun art project for kids!
Recycled craft projects that you can do using old CDs and DVDs, including ideas for CD mosaics, suncatchers and lots of other DIY craft ideas for using old CD discs.
Get inspired by these awesome projects that reuse old CDs in new and exciting ways.
Creating an energy-efficient home office is a great way to reduce your environmental footprint, save money on utility bills, and create a comfortable workspace. From lighting and electronics to heating ... Read more
If you're looking for creative ideas of what to do with your old cds check out these DIY crafts projects and to and be inspired with home and garden projects on ways to recycle those old cds.
Les CD Rom ou audio usagés font d'excellents supports pour du graphisme sur format rond. Avec des marqueurs noirs et blancs, on obtiendra des effets graphiques intéressants, déclinables à l'infini...sans oublier les effets de la lumière sur le CD ....
Use up your old CDs and DVDs with these super fun recycled craft ideas including DIY home decor, kids crafts and activities and more!
HOW TO: Use Old CDs for Mosaic Craft Projects - DIY Kitchen Backsplash Tips and Tricks: This instructable goes into detail about how we (my partner Renier and I) created a mosaic backsplash using CDs and the tips and tricks we learned along the way. The backsplash is truly impressive. When light shines on it, it creates beautiful color…