Schöne Kuhfell-Leder-Journale weiches und haltbares dunkelbraunes Echtleder, - Kein Kleber verwendet. - Hand genäht. - Binde-Tagebuch (Papier ist nicht nachfüllbar). - Echter Lederduft. - Büttenpapier Jedes Journal ist etwas ganz Besonderes Größe - (Länge) 18 cm x (Höhe) 12 cm x (Breite) 5 cm. Eine perfekte Kombination aus luxuriösem Ledereinband und perfektem Qualitätspapier. Unsere dunkelbraunen Notizbücher aus Leder sind ein perfektes Geschenk zum Geburtstag, Jahrestag, Valentinstag, zur Graduierung, zur Verlobung, zur Hochzeit, zum Weihnachtsgeschenk oder zum Geschenk für sie. GRATIS LEDER LESEZEICHEN ODER AUCH GESCHENK.
The Journal Diaries is a blog segment where we get a sneak peek into the journals, notebooks, organizers and diaries from creatives all over...
Take a moment of daily mindfulness with our Personalised Hardback Wellbeing Journal. This aesthetic A5 journal helps you start and end your day with a clearer, more positive mindset, create healthy habits and set achievable goals. With separate morning and evening pages, this hardcover wellness diary guides you through daily prompts, encouraging self-reflection and fostering a positive mindset. The daily gratitude section serves as a powerful reminder to focus on the good in your life, while healthy habit trackers and goal-setting features inspire you to take charge of your own journey. Crafted in the UK with a durable hardcover and wire binding, this A5 journal provides an easy flat writing surface, perfect for journalling in bed or if you're on the move. With our FREE foil embossed personalisation service, you can add a truly unique stamp to your wellbeing journal. Simply add your name or initials in the customisation box above and we'll hot foil stamp the cover of your journal in our studio. Perfect for gifting to a friend starting to journal, or for your own daily thoughts and gratitude practise. Key Features: Separate prompted morning and evening pages Hardcover with spiral wire binding for durability and easy writing Choose your font style on the cover "journal" title Free foil embossed personalisation A5 size (148 x 210mm) Daily gratitude, wellness trackers, and goal setting to inspire positive change Reduce overwhelm and embrace a more mindful lifestyle with our Personalised Hardback Daily Wellbeing Journals - also available in an abstract cover design. Please note: the colours on screen will not be a 100% accurate match to the printed product due to varying screen types and difference in monitor colour settings.
Как вести дневник. Узнайте, как письменные практики и ведение дневника могут помочь вам развить внимание и улучшить самопомощь. Простой блокнот и 5-10 минут в день могут изменить вашу жизнь.
No sólo escribas lo que sientes, exprésalo también.
Como Escrever um Diário Pessoal. Escrever um diário pessoal é uma forma criativa de relatar seus sentimentos livremente, sem medo de julgamentos ou críticas. Escrever em um diário permite que você reflita sobre questões complexas de sua...
Whether you want to manage stress, get organized or boost your creativity, use these journaling techniques for any situation.
NOTEBOOK & PEN 18 X 13.5CM heart-shaped lock & key 232Pages/116sheets Faux Leather Personalise with any name / word
The Journal Diaries is a blog segment where we get a sneak peek into the journals, notebooks, organizers, and diaries from people all over t...
Just about anything that is creative and can boost or enhance their writing or journaling practice will make the perfect gift for writers or journalers.
It’s August which means I’m obsessed with all of my pens and journals again 🤌🖋️
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When I don’t know what to write in my diary I copy a poem by hand or with the typewriter. (I like copying prose by hand, but I like typing out poems so I can see how the lines play out cleanly on the page.) After I’ve copied the poem, I get out my paper
Ever wanted to start journaling or keeping your thoughts in a diary? Here are some of the benefits of keeping a journal or diary as a student!
Travelling leaves you speechless and then turns you into a storyteller. So why not pen down your stories and document your memories in a travel journal?