You might be surprised at all the foods you can grow in buckets on your balcony, porch, or patio. Here are some best foods to grow.
Learn how to grow ginger in both warm and cool climates. Discover tips for growing ginger in containers and indoors.
If you find yourself struggling to try to figure out how much to plant per person in the garden for a year's worth of food - look no further.
Gardening is often about thinking long-term. One of the key strategies in successful garden design and implementation is observing, waiting, and taking slow and small steps towards long-term growth. But just because we plan ahead
These 3 tips will help you grow larger onions in your garden. Learn about short day vs. long day onions and what is better, growing onions from seed or set.
Learn how growing vegetables indoors year round is easy and fun. Even apartments with limited space have enough room for a few pots of vegetables for some much needed organic gardening. #indoor #vegetables #growvegetables
The peanut (Arachis hypogaea) is also known as the groundnut, goober or monkey nut. It is a legume that is grown primarily for its edible seeds. Widely grown in the tropics and subtropics, peanuts can
Ever wondered what should you plant under your tomato plants? Learn more about intercropping and plant these vegetables and herbs for enhanced soil quality and better tomato harvest.
Plant these veggies once and you can pluck, snip and tear nutrient rich food off all season while your veggies grow back even stronger.
Planting perennial vegetables lets you plant once and harvest delicious (and unusual) veggies for years to come. Find out about more than 50 plants to choose from, many cold hardy to zone 3, or even colder! #perennialvegetables #permaculture
Sprout heads of lettuce, celery, green onions, and other produce from leftover scraps with these tips—plus a little water and patience.
Don't throw away those old potatoes! Or those romaine lettuce ends! There are lots of foods you can regrow from scraps — it's easy and free!
Follow this step-by-step guide for growing chard plants from chard seeds, like the biennial Fordhook Giant, with success. Use these tips addressing spacing, germination, full sun, mulch, and how to sow seeds so that you have a successful growing season with enormous yields. #grow #swiss #chard
Growing your own food indoors doesn't mean you have to invest in expensive grow lights, be limited to mason jar sprouts or windowsill herbs, or clear out a whole room to make it happen. There are many edible plants that can be grown inside the house without a lot of space or effort.
If you’re a beginner gardener, you might be overwhelmed at all of the things you need to learn. But it doesn’t have to be so frustrating. Starting with common, low-maintenance vegetables is a great way
Fast growing vegetables are perfect for people who want to harvest food quickly, no matter the reason. Find out which vegetables you can start today and harvest in as little as 25 days! The world
When it comes to gardening, not everyone has access to a large backyard or a dedicated patch of land. However, this doesn't mean that you can't enjoy the pleasures of growing your own vegetables. Container
Explore ways in which garlic can positively impact the health of your orchard by growing garlic around your fruit trees.
You'll be amazed to discover how many foods you can re-grow from kitchen scrap! With videos and how-to instructions! Check it out now!
Green bush beans are the perfect vegetable to grow if you a a beginner gardener or gardening with kids. These easy tips will help you learn how to grow green bush beans and care for them so you have high yielding harvests!
9 Dwarf Trees With High Yield Great For Small Areas! When it comes to gardening in small spaces, dwarf trees are a fantastic choice. These compact beauties not only add aesthetic appeal but also provide
Blueberries are one of the funnest and most delicious variety of berry that you can grow, and today we'll show you a few tips and tricks on how to grow a HUGE blueberry harvest! When growing blueberries, we always recommend that you purchase a blueberry bush that's already about two years old. This is because when planting from seed or seedlings, a blueberry bush will take about 3 years to produce. Because blueberry bushes grow so big in size, we recommend growing dwarf varieties which will make just as many berries but will not take up as much space. Some
These 12 best foods to help children grow taller listed here will help your child develop properly, be more confident, and perform better at school.
Growing vegetables and fruits in the home garden is rewarding, but many people are put off by the backbreaking work involved at the start of the growing season. Perennial edibles are the answer to this
Learn how to grow your own turmeric, in any climate - including tips for sourcing turmeric seed, and how to plant, harvest, preserve, and use turmeric!
Perennial vegetables - crops you can plant once, and harvest year after year - are relatively rare in the plant food world, but save you tonnes of money!
Learn which 14 vegetables to plant in October, plus the best varieties, planting tips, and recipes for your harvest.
When you are on a budget, re-growing your food scraps is one of the best ways to save money! Here are 12 vegetables you can re-grow from scraps.
Do you have trouble with growing great cucumbers organically? Learn about which crops make great cucumber companion plants and which ones should be kept far away in the garden.
Learn exactly how to grow ginger at home in our comprehensive guide to growing ginger in your edible garden. It's easy and rewarding!
If you're growing basil indoors, you don't have to worry about cold or heat. But how do you keep your plants happy? We'll share our tips!
You've been growing zucchini all wrong. It needs to be staked & pruned JUST like a tomato. I know. It's mind blowing but true. Here's how!
Green onions or scallions are easy to grow from seed, or from green onions bought at the grocery store. Here's everything you need to know about growing green onions.
Green beans make your diet tastier than ever. The Gardening Dad understands that. We have a blog post on growing green beans from seed ready for your perusal.
When life blesses you with lemon, don't forget to grow lemon from seed!. If you've witnessed the growth of a lemon tree,
Okra is a staple in many southern gardens. Learn how to grow okra in your garden, including seed starting, care, and harvest instructions!
For many gardeners, the growing season starts after the last frost in the spring and ends with the first frost of fall. For those of us in cold climates with short frost-free growing seasons, adding
Perennial herbs are quintesential herbs to grow so that you can add flavour to your food or alternatively use in your garden as landscape.