In der Natur finden wir eine beeindruckende Anzahl an Pflanzen und Pilzen, die zahlreiche gesundheitliche Vorteile haben. Eine besondere Gruppe dieser Gewächse sind adaptogene Pilze. Doch was macht sie so besonders und welche positiven Effekte können sie auf den menschlichen Körper ausüben? Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit verschiedenen adaptogenen Pilzen und ihren möglichen gesundheitlichen Vorteilen.
Descarga este Vector Premium de Hongos realistas Plantas de hongos comestibles y no comestibles Plantas de bosques de hongos naturales Enoki niscalo y morel Conjunto de ilustraciones vectoriales de hongos 3d Plantas de hongos y descubre más de 15 Millones de recursos gráficos en Freepik
Aquí hay algunas fotos fascinantes que dan una nueva perspectiva de las cosas.
Los hongos en las uñas pueden ser un problema persistente y molesto que afecta a muchas personas. Afortunadamente, la solución no tiene por qué ser complicada. En este artículo, descubriremos una receta increíblemente fácil que utiliza solo 2 ingredientes para ayudarte a eliminar los hongos en las uñas de una vez por todas. Receta Natural [...] Read More "Esta receta súper fácil de 2 ingredientes eliminará los hongos de las uñas para siempre"
Learn more about porcini mushrooms, how to cook with them and their health benefits.
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¿Sabías que es posible tratar los hongos en los pies de manera natural? El bicarbonato de sodio, un ingrediente común en la mayoría de los h...
Los laxantes naturales son uno de los mejores complementos para combatir el estreñimiento. Se encuentran como alimentos, bebidas o hierbas, cuyas...
remedios caseros para la sordera;afecta a más del 30 % de las personas mayores de 70 años.El ajo, la cebolla, el aceite de olive pueden...
In the realm of holistic medicine, mushrooms have long held a special place for their potential benefits and wellness-boosting properties. Among these curious fungi, two have become standouts in the modern herb sphere: chaga and reishi. Both celebrated for their contributions to the body and mind, these mushrooms have earned large reputations across numerous cultures. Going head-to-head, we will delve into the benefits and drawbacks of chaga vs. reishi. What is Chaga? A strange looking fungus that resembles burnt charcoal, chaga (Inonotus obliquus) can be found in birch forests across the Northern Hemisphere, almost exclusively on trees. The chaga mushroom’s spores enter a tree through damage, spreading throughout the heart of the tree before bursting through its bark and forming its strange, burnt head. Though chaga is a damaging fungus, destroying the host tree over time, it has a number of benefits as a medicinal herb for humans, such as: Chock-Full of Antioxidants Chaga emerges as a standout for its extraordinary antioxidant content. Within this curious fungus’ composition, there are a number of important antioxidants such as melanin (which gives chaga its dark color) and superoxide dismutase, both of which are potent agents that help fight free radicals in the body and support overall wellness. Boosts and Fortifies the Immune System Widely known for its immune-boosting potential, chaga can invigorate the immune system, enhancing the body's capacity to fend off infections and ailments. It is thought to do this by stimulating white blood cells, as found in this older study, which are paramount in the fight towards keeping your body healthy and happy. Anti-Inflammatory Effects Chaga is equipped with anti-inflammatory properties, capable of quelling inflammation within the body. This is an especially important boon, as inflammation causes a number of issues in our bodies, often resulting in pain and discomfort. chaga is thought to reduce inflammation by inhibiting the production of harmful cytokines, which can trigger inflammation, supported by this 2009 study. Nutrient Abundance Beyond its therapeutic attributes, chaga packs a nutritional punch. The mushroom contains a number of nutrients, including calcium, zinc, vitamin D, manganese, potassium, fiber, magnesium, iron, vitamin D, and B-complex vitamins. What is Reishi? Also known as lingzhi, reishi (Ganoderma lingzhi) is native to East Asia. Though it looks far more like a traditional mushroom than chaga, reishi is unique in the sense that its rust-colored caps lack “gills”—those soft lines on the underside—and grows in close clusters. Reishi has been used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine for centuries, earning it the nickname “the mushroom of immortality,” though, of course, it doesn’t grant the consumer immortality. However, this unique fungus has a number of potential benefits to modern users, such as: Adaptogenic Attributes Though the idea of an “adaptogenic” herb is under some contention, reishi has earned a reputation as one of these stress-relieving remedies by assisting the body in adapting to stressors. This adaptability translates into relaxation and may help ease fatigue, anxiety, and even depression as found bythis 2011 study. Immune System Booster and Inflammation Buster Notably, reishi has the capacity to regulate the immune system. It can bolster the body's defenses against infections, while reducing inflammation in the body. Though more studies need to be done on the topic, one study found that reishi may reduce inflammation that can block the movement of white blood cells, while this 2005 study implies that reishi may help the body produce more white blood cells, which help your body stay healthy. Strengthens the Cardiovascular System As we grow older, the health of our hearts becomes a larger concern. Fortunately, reishi can be a natural way to help strengthen your cardiovascular system, as well as help regulate your body’s blood sugar. Numerous studies (like this older study) found that reishi may help decrease high levels of blood sugar, increasing healthy HDL cholesterol, as well as lowering lipid (fat) levels in the blood. Antioxidant Armor Similar to the chaga mushroom, reishi contains compounds that can protect against the cell damaging effects of oxidative stress. Though it doesn’t contain as many antioxidant properties as chaga, reishi is thought to improve antioxidant status within the body, strengthening their abilities. However, the research on this topic leaves much to be desired, as the results have been . Chaga vs. Reishi: Which Mushroom is Best for You? Two mushrooms, both with esteemed reputations as health and wellness-boosting powerhouses. It can be hard to decide between the two! In the battle between chaga vs. reishi, which is right for you? If you’re looking for an herbal supplement that can boost your immune system, fight against inflammation, and prevent oxidative stress, both chaga and reishi fit the bill. If you want a new way to get your daily vitamins and nutrients, chaga is the clear winner. However, if you are seeking natural ways to combat stress and fatigue, reishi is the mushroom for you. Don’t just take our word for it, though. Try out these two mushrooms for yourself! Check out our shop to pick your winner in the battle between chaga vs. reishi.
¿Llevas ni se sabe cuánto tiempo con un hongo en el pie? Prueba los siguientes trucos de la abuela y deshazte de él.
Existen hongos invisibles a la vista capaces de infectar las uñas de los pies y las manos. En caso de infección hablaremos de onicomicosis. ...
Los hongos son un regalo que nos da la lluvia, se disfrutan en diversas culturas: los chinos tienen al shiitake, los italianos, el porcini; los …
¿Has usado de todo y aun no logras eliminar por completo el hongo en tus uñas? ¡Entonces esto es para ti! Porque queremos recomendarte…
Our seventh workshop will focus on what it means to make art from a perspective that engages with myth and the underground networks of Earth
Aunque en los últimos años se han roto muchos tabús al respecto, todavía persiste la idea de que a partir de los 60 no se disfruta del sexo de la misma manera. Así
La tiña es una afección causada por un hongo y que provoca pequeñas erupciones en forma de círculo, según afirma...
Find the best Cordyceps for you! Learn why Cordyceps tinctures are a convenient option. Get the best health benefits from your Cordyceps today! Read more.