Flachbettscans von Insekten und Käfern! nutze sie für tshirt grafiken, musikvideos oder 3d animationen. Viel Spaß! ** Funktioniert mit allen Bearbeitungsprogrammen -Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, Photoshop -letzter Schliff -davinci lösen
When we think of symbolic animals we often picture mighty creatures like tigers or eagles. But many humble insects are also rich in spiritual meaning – and none more so than the centipede. This astonishing
Do you know about Cute Moths that are as Beautiful as Butterflies? Our exclusive list will surely surprise you!
Real dried insect Ayuthia spectabilis white ghost cicada. The specimen you will be receiving is dried, wrapped in plastic and secured onto cardboad. They have a wingspan between 4.9-5.3”. They can be hydrated and spread further/ more precisely or used as-is for your collection, art project, scientific studies, educational purposes, frames, displays, etc. A grade specimens were imported by me as A1 quality. However, I cannot guarantee they arrive with antennae, legs, or without minor imperfections from flight wear. Insects are extremely fragile and caution should be taken when opening and handling. B grade specimens (craft grade) may have noticeable imperfections such as: missing antennas, detached limbs, torn wings, greasy abdomens, uneven wing positioning or other imperfections. They come at a discounted price accordingly. Great for practice, craft and educational purposes. Also specimens can be degreased by soaking in solvent. There are many forums online that describe insect degreasing methods. These insects are sustainably sourced, farm raised, and ethically collected. Insect farming worldwide helps to preserve their natural habitat from deforestation and commercial farming practices; this in turn promotes more habitat for insect procreation therefore maintaining populations of all species of flora and fauna on the protected land. By farming insects on protected land, locals in these areas are able to make a fair wage while simultaneously preventing deforestation. Clover Butterfly Co has a Usfws permit to import insects legally into the USA from suppliers around the world. We encourage buyers to purchase insects from Usfws permit holders. These permits are necessary to ensure sustainable practices and help protect vulnerable wildlife populations. Clover Butterfly Co does not condone unethically or unsustainably sourced insects that decrease natural populations. None of my photos have been edited- those are it’s true colors, just depends on the lighting. Most ghost cicadas are very similar; however there may slight variations in each as no two specimens are totally identical- variations include wingspan, abdomen shape, color brightness, etc. Please see all photos for details. A ruler is in one photo for a size reference. These photos are owned by Clover Butterfly Co and not to be used without written permission.
beautiful nature